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Attack while Jumping, Jump while Running, Higher jumping.


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  On 12/9/2011 at 9:22 AM, stimsoe023 said:

There is no mod to download, the OP just said how it should be made and I expressed my opinion as I am free to do so.


if people want to get childish about it , thats up to them.


I'm merely being hypothetical, you just don't bash a concept because you don't like it, the people who still want it, still want it. A little more polish to skyrim's movement system could do wonders.

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  On 12/9/2011 at 9:25 AM, DannoMustDie said:
  On 12/9/2011 at 9:22 AM, stimsoe023 said:

There is no mod to download, the OP just said how it should be made and I expressed my opinion as I am free to do so.


if people want to get childish about it , thats up to them.


I'm merely being hypothetical, you just don't bash a concept because you don't like it, the people who still want it, still want it. A little more polish to skyrim's movement system could do wonders.



well, had he posted an actual mod , of course I wouldnt 'bash' it, but this post was for a discussion regarding 'attacking whilst jumping'.

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  On 12/9/2011 at 9:33 AM, stimsoe023 said:
  On 12/9/2011 at 9:25 AM, DannoMustDie said:
  On 12/9/2011 at 9:22 AM, stimsoe023 said:

There is no mod to download, the OP just said how it should be made and I expressed my opinion as I am free to do so.


if people want to get childish about it , thats up to them.


I'm merely being hypothetical, you just don't bash a concept because you don't like it, the people who still want it, still want it. A little more polish to skyrim's movement system could do wonders.



well, had he posted an actual mod , of course I wouldnt 'bash' it, but this post was for a discussion regarding 'attacking whilst jumping'.


I still think you should be stoned. :thumbsup:

Edited by DannoMustDie
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  On 12/7/2011 at 8:18 PM, jaejintsujin said:

I can jump and swing a sword at the same time, why can't a Dovahkinn?


I use to be able to jump and swing swords at dragons, but then I took an arrow to the knee. :sweat:



Anyway, I think this would be a great mod to have. You could be more ninja like :ninja: jump up shoot your arrow and fall back behind whatever it was your hiding behind. Plus the jumping attacks make it seem more realistic I think. Though people typically do not hop around like rabbits swinging swords, the fact is you could if you wanted to.

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it would be great for many situations...


example - battle for Fort XYZ

- You fight archers on the walls

- after you finish them off, you see a group of soldiers spawned right under the wall

- but if you jump down, they will hit you like 4 times before you can raise block or hit too.


more awesome situation

- you fight archers on the walls

- after you finish them off, you see a group of soldiers spawned right under the wall

- you jump down, landing on a soldier, knocking him down and dodging away to get ready for combat


assassin situation (sneak dual attack jump)

- you just used some mod to climb on the roof of a building

- you see your prey under you

- you silently jump down on him, sticking both of your daggers to his neck, that instantly kills him

- since 2x15x(sneak)<dagger damage> is pretty damn much, it won't be that much of a cheating, since the damage is usually higher than victim's HP





maybe the whole Acrobatics skill tree would be nice:

1. you can attack while jumping/you can power attack while jumping

2. while you don't use shield, you can dodge an attack by hitting the button to move into that direction 2 times quickly

3. you can climb on walls (wallhack - though some really good animating and scripting would be needed. But it would be great for thieves and assassins)

4. attacking at the same time enemy is attacking you will result into parry

5. after parrying, your next swing is faster

6. ultimate skill - pushing space right after parry will not make you jump, but kick your enemy, knocking him back (or knocking him down if he was staggered)

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I'll add a "Yes" to this one. You can jump and attack in Morrowind, so why not Skyrim? I miss leaping from heights and attacking people. I think it's because they got rid of Acrobatics that it changed so much. Even if the jumping wasn't as high, at least attacking while leaping through the air should have been added.
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Sounds like a must have to me. I've always wondered why I can't jump while running, or drop from a small height and surprise attack. Also to be noted, in the console versions it's possible to glitch-jump your way up steep mountains, but seems difficult in the pc version as you aren't able to jump on most steep slopes. I'd love that to be changed if possible :)
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