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If it weren't for MODS...


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Hmm, which mods are helping out with the pop-in? I have view distances maxed and the detail fade unchecked, but from a high vantage looking out I sometimes clearly see beyond the 5 adjacent "chunks" that the engine renders in high detail. As I go towards them, BOOM it will load them up. Most notable is water and trees in the distance.


You say there are mods and stuff that change this? If so, please point me to them!





its just a ini change. Got to test some of the settings out like ugridstoload & uExteriorCellBuffer because it can drastically kill your fps even on the best comp setup

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Welcome aboard. And yeah, I can't wait to see what the modding community can do with this game. I have some weird fantasy that maybe; just maybe the game will be ridiculously easy to mod and the entire "You bought it for console" will just be a huge slap in the face. When I say easy, I mean, adding horse stats, combat, ability to talk, and better jumping with just a few changes in code. Even changing and adding perks with just a simple GUI.

Hey, I can dream, right?


Changing better jumping and combat damage takes all of 2 minutes with TESSnip if you know what you're doing. Part of the appeal of the TES games - they have such a history of support that people begin modding them even BEFORE the game is released (see the SKSE thread for instance).

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As I mentioned in one of the pre-release threads, I don't care that BS decided to remove Acrobatics/athletics, or change up destruction spell damage, or made horses slower, or screwed up some quest scripting -- that stuff is moddable. They instead chose to focus their time on developing a better AI system, a better engine (still not DX11, but far surpassing Oblivion's), a vastly improved animation framework, less random crashes -- stuff that modders aren't able to easily access and change. That focus shows where their priorities are, and I choose to think of that as a positive. Edited by jimhsu
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I shall take this opportunity to also give a big "Thank You" to the whole modding community out there.


In Oblivion, the game was (greatly) improved over time artistically, technically, audio- visually and so on. The creativity of the people behind the mods is nothing less then astonishing.


They worked hard and shared with us. They never asked for anything, no cash, no extra software, no DRM, no limits, maybe a little knowledge on our side here and there but it was more than worth it.


Your ideas were adapted by big publishers, your "spirits" are contained in many games today.


(not just) my gaming life become so much richer with your contributions and I hope this will stay so for a long time, so next generations will also profit from it.


Many Religions speak of "holy man" who giveth more than taketh. They must have been speaking of you!


again Thank You!

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Welcome aboard. And yeah, I can't wait to see what the modding community can do with this game. I have some weird fantasy that maybe; just maybe the game will be ridiculously easy to mod and the entire "You bought it for console" will just be a huge slap in the face. When I say easy, I mean, adding horse stats, combat, ability to talk, and better jumping with just a few changes in code. Even changing and adding perks with just a simple GUI.

Hey, I can dream, right?


Changing better jumping and combat damage takes all of 2 minutes with TESSnip if you know what you're doing. Part of the appeal of the TES games - they have such a history of support that people begin modding them even BEFORE the game is released (see the SKSE thread for instance).


I meant while on horses. Sorry for the fail grammar there ^.^;

Let me rephrase that: Adding horse stats, horse combat, ability to talk while on horses, and better jumping on horses with just a few changes in code.

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can't stress enough how awesome the third person animation tweaks are. Running with dual spells looks so much cooler without your arms held out sideways. The same holds true IMO with the dual sword tweaks... holding your swords more in front of you looks way better


PS: New Dark Brotherhood texture under hot files currently is the best so far (as far as DB textures go)

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