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Top 5 Games


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Hello Guys,


I'm newbie in this community and didn't see this type of discussion in the whole community...So, I make one for those who loves to play games on daily basis...Share with me your top 5 games which you mostly played on daily basis..Mine top 5 games are:


Super Mario

Mafia 2

Minecraft games

Need 4 Speed




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hmm. games ive put the most hours into...in no order


Fall Out 3 - 100% on all trophies all DLC, beat 3 times (Ps3)

Dragon Age: Origins - beat four times. plus a bunch of partial play throughs. got all the achievements too main game and DLC (PC)

StarCraft: Brood War - has to be the game i spent the most time on, also been out the longest of any game ive played, though now i play SC2 (PC)

Resistance 2 - beat the campaign 4 times, spent countless hours on online coop. got all three classes to lvl 30. didnt platinum cause i didnt play competetive that much. (Ps3)

Command & Conquor Generals: Zero Hour - again, spent tons of hours playing this. at one point had beaten all the campaigns, the generals challange and had like 150-200 matches against AI and stuff under my belt. played a little bit of online too, but very little. (PC)

Demons Souls - gotta be close to the game i have the second most amount of hours in, quite possibly the most. with just my main toon, i had 150 hours on (though i left the game running a few times) whom i platinumed with. ive made at least 20 characters since with at least 12+ hours each. ive since played Dark Souls (its successor) which i have only 125 hours in and havent platinumed yet. ill be going back to Demons Souls again soon, my friend just bought it. (Ps3)

Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal - i know my original gold has like 250 hours on it which never over wrote. i have 2 Silvers which i would always delete and start over and a Crystal which i started played/rewriting instead of Silver. Ive since bought Heart Gold for (3)DS and beaten it twice. hell if you count all 4 of those pokemon games, those deff take number 1 for most hours spent on..but thats 4 games (granted they are identical) (Gameboy Color/(3)DS)



however if i had to list an all time favorite game, it would be Metal Gear Solid 4. ive only beat it twice, and have two partial play throughs that i started but didnt finish (one is a loaded save after you beat the game, allowing you to use all money and weapons from your other game) (and the other is a not killing anyone game) i would say its around 100 hours between the four of them, give or take. but between the amazing graphics (some of the best on the Ps3, even though it was one of the first games to come out) the superb story (including the cut scenes) and the amazing gameplay. a great length to the game as well. this was the first MGS ive ever played, and it was amazing enough i went and read about all the other games, just to learn about the history, so when i went and played MGS4 again, it made more sense. it was amazing before i knew what it was about, but more amazing after. i still plan on getting the Ps3 remakes of the two Ps2 MGSs. but ya, MGS4 is my all time favorite game overall. (Ps3)

Edited by hoofhearted4
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even if it was posted by a spammer with a very hormel goods smelling link in his sig

that doesnt mean the subject it self doesnt have merit


games i sunk the most time in ?


mario 64

goldeneye 64

ff 7 ( 200 hours )

oblivion ( at least 150 hours probably far more )

saints row 2

vampire bloodlines ( most of 2006 )

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Yea, so I'll make my mark in this discussion. Though I might date myself...I am a little old as you can tell.


My all time fav games and these are not in order of LIKE since I LIKEd playing them all.

1. Star Wars Tie Fighter

2. Quake I,II,III

3. Deus Ex

4. Half Life I,II

5. Mafia II

6. COD

7. Battlefield games

8. C&C games


And others....but I can't remember them all. ;-)

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My top Five:


1. Oblivion

2. MGS's

3. GTA 4

4. Skyrim " without mods going to rate here"

5. C&C's


Loved them all but a bit hard to choose the order. :unsure:

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