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Hope this is the right place to ask, but er..."This file is currently under review by a moderator and is not open for public access. Please do not contact the staff or the owner of the file regarding this issue unless you are the file owner or you might be penalised by the staff of the site."



Why is this worded in a way that effectively closes users out of knowing what's going on?



This seems less like something intended to prevent promotion of copyrighted material or illegal content, and more a way to keep users in the dark. The same goes for the "reviews" in threads for banned members, which are not viewable by non-moderators. It just feels...off, that site policy would try to keep the users in the dark about the whys and hows of policing the site. Not referencing anyone or anything in particular; I like this place, and I'd prefer not to be kicked out for asking a question.

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Some of our actions on the file sites are between us and the authors, it has nothing to do with anyone else....so we keep it private, to protect everyone involved with the reason for moderator review.



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I have some ideas:

  • Could you add the search field for images? So we can search for all screenshot with (Example) "castle" in their name.
  • Also is it possible to have the search field also for tag search (like in the old site) and categories search?
  • Could you add the option to login with our Facebook, Twitter, etc accounts (like in the Bethesda forums)?
  • I suggest you give free premium for 7 (or 15) days for new members. This will encourage them to buy the premium membership.

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I have a problem where on the new files page I don't have the open in new window option when I right click the file names, so I left click a new file open it, then use the browser goback button to look at the other files and then I find there are now no new files anymore, so I have to open a dozen new files windows before opening any new files then open any new files I want to look at from files from each one. I have noticed the same problem with edited new files too, but if I right click the little modded attributes/file/image flag instead of the file name I get the open in new window option ok. I'm using XP & IE8.0006.
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I think this is the right place to ask this question. I have been able to access the site with no issues for quite some time till today. Nothing has changed that I am aware of on my end, but now I can't access TESNexus site at all. I am not getting any response from the site at all. Is there an issue or is something happening with my system that is preventing me from accessing the site?


I use Windows7 Home Premium 64bit and Firefox browser with the latest update. I have no add ons for the browser and my cache is clear. I have my browser set to look for new page on each visit to the page, and my cache is set to around 100k.


Any help or answers would be appreciated.




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I've asked this further down this section but got no response, thought I'd try here to see if there's an answer.


When I try to change the search pattern on for example Armour, to say "Upload date Descending", there is no "Go" button to start the search. There is one under "Tag search" but it doesn't work, the search pattern remains at "Alphabetical Ascending" regardless.


I'm not alone here, another user has contacted me to say he has the same problem.

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