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Thanks for the reply and the link.


I show you with some pictures whats going wrong.



http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2503/fox8bug1a.th.jpg http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/6003/fox8bug1b.th.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/3145/fox8bug1c.th.jpg


You see, in the first Picture, i see the Files that could be downloaded, i am logged in and you see the nexusnetwork window pops up if i move the mouse over it.

In the other two you see only that i am logged in, no Discription or nexusnetwork.

Somebody told me, i have to disable all script blocker and yes i did it, i remove all.

So why did i see the Files and Stuff in Skyrim but not in Fallout or Oblivion?

If i still use a script blocker, i should be not able to see something in Skyrim, only that, that i see in Oblivion and Fallout, too.


The next pictures shows you the download.


http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/8353/fox8bug1d.th.jpg http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/7818/fox8bug1e.th.jpg


You see, i could choose the server, but then i get this loading window and nothing goes forward. I have wait 10 minutes but no.

It wont works. In Oblivion and Fallout it is impossible for me to show you if i could download something or not.

Because i did not see the files.


Next step was your helpfull tips with PortableApps.

So i download and installed it and make some testings.



http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/4150/foxport8bug1a.th.jpg http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/3913/foxport8bug1b.th.jpg http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4735/foxport8bug1c.th.jpg


But as far as you see, it is the same result as with the original Firefox.

Skyrim nearly works and Oblivion and Fallout not.

Sure it change the language but that should be not the problem.


Thanks for the hint to change the browser.

I tested it with IE8.



http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/4323/ie8nobug1a.th.jpg http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/4160/ie8nobug1b.th.jpg


Yes it works.

But, as far as i know, it it recomned to use Firefox on this Site, but why did i get these problems if i use it?


If i have some others blockes on, like antivirus or stuff like that, i should be not able to see these windows (discription, files, images ...) with IE8.

I am not sure, but as far as you could see, the problem is not my computer or Firefox.

Something others wents wrong.


Have you any other ideas? Did i have to download something for the Portable Firefox or any other idea?

I realy dont want to use IE only for the Nexus to upload or download some stuff.


Thanks for reading this.

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Hi guys,


I understand the load on your server is an issue at the moment. In that regards, it would perhaps be better if you checked whether or not a user has the right to upload a photo (due to max limit and time constraints) prior to the server transfer.


As it stands right now I try to upload a photo (and have no idea when my time restriction expires) and it transfers to the server then I get the error message. Not how you want to do it I imagine.


Also on the error page that is returned the contact hyperlink is broken and does not come to the contact page that can be reached in the bottom menu. The contact page that I did get to did not display the image allowing me to validate my humanity so I was not able to submit this feedback privately.


Otherwise keep up the great work. I became a premium member because I love the site.





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I am seeing an odd warning on some pages. It is related co the comments tab//button

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource' date=' boolean given in /home/skyrim/public_html/modules/comments/comments_ajax.php on line 194[/quote']


This is new today, yesterday though I noticed the word Warning showing in the bottom of the comments button in blue text.

the page I first saw this on is Mod Organizer at Skyrim Nexus ...

I hope this helps and is not redundant.



Here is the code of the buttons as it exists in my browser


<div class="file-tabs" id="fileanchor"> 
                   <ol style="width: 427px;"> 
                       <li id="tab1" class=""> 
                           <a original-title="Description" href="#%27,%20%27fcontentarea%27%29;" class="tab-description"> 
                               <span class="icon"></span> 
                       <li id="tab2" class=""> 
                           <a original-title="Files" href="#" class="tab-files"> 
                               <span class="icon"></span> 
                       <li id="tab3"> 
                           <a original-title="Images" href="#" class="tab-images"> 
                               <span class="icon"></span> 
                       <li class="active" id="tab4"> 
                           <a original-title="Comments" href="#" class="tab-comments"> 
                               <span class="icon"></span> 

<b>Warning</b>:  mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in <b>/home/skyrim/public_html/includes/sdk/index.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br>
                       <li class="next" id="tab5"> 
                           <a original-title="Discussion" href="#" class="tab-discussion"> 
                               <span class="icon"></span> 



I am using Firefox/8.0.1

On:Windows 7 service pack 1

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the site! :thumbsup:


I was trying to keep up my Endorsement voting after I tested the mods but apparently since December started, I lost access to Download list for voting, due to not being Premium member. For the most part I've tried over a 100 mods but only been able to vote on about 50.


The problem is when we start experiencing trouble especially isolating Crashing issues, it can take days and sometimes weeks. The last two have been extremely tough for me isolating crashing with that many mods or maybe I just suck as a troubleshooter. ;)


I might be missing a switch or something but if you are going to use the main (only ?) method for keeping track of what we download as a list to vote with could you please at LEAST give us a warning popup we are about to lose access? Also I could swear I was getting those popups in Fallout NV and possibly F3. Had I known this was about to happen I would have tried to set aside an hour or so to go through my list to vote on what I could.


Or maybe we just need a separate list with no Address Link attached that only allows voting? I can only guess it's the quick access (i.e. links) to our downloads that is important part of supporting your site. It would be very helpful in trying to get people to vote more if we had a Voting list (no links) with a feature like Deleting a File from the Voting List (or at least until the mod is fixed or patch and we download to try again), if you never intend to Endorse, nor intend to vote Not Recommended.




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The Most Endorsed Recently Added Files Section doesn't seem to be working. When you set it to 1 day, for example, it shows mods that were added weeks ago, when (I assume) it should only show mods that were added in the past 24hours.
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Nice, Skyrimnexus is gone too for me.

After clearing my Cache, i am not able to see discription and stuff like that.

Something wents wrong here.


Why could i receive cockies and after clearing my cache, it get blocked?

Edited by Kalten1979
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yea my browser went crazy now its saying i downloaded a file over 50 times when i didnt even get to download it once and the contact pages catcha wont show up any clue what to do i wanted the file bad haha



this one right here mmm i wonder if its small enough to email...

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