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Why would I ever want to search for a user on the nexus? When I enter Riverwood into the search bar on the main site, I want mods pertaining to Riverwood, not the user named Riverwood.

Even doing an advanced search, this happens.


All of this social fluff is ruining the site. This is a place to download and discuss mods and modding, not to socialize and make friends. Leave that kind of crap to facebook.

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From the recent comments we seem to be having an "authors <-> users" situation in this regard now.


Mostly "authors" seem to like or even endorse the new features, like I do, because they're a great improvement and help a lot in everyday tasks of us mod authors, checking for new comments in all places at once, while we had to go to a couple dozen places one after the other previously.


Whereas mod users mostly are interested in finding the new mods or what the other users think about mods (top-5 mods, most endorsed, etc.) and don't care for the many features so vital to us modders, and as such don't like the new layout and even complain about it.


As the Nexus is catering both audiences, what we need now is some kind of compromise, between the author features and the user features, or maybe an option to choose whether you want the author-oriented features or rather the user-oriented ones? :ermm:

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You may want to use NMM




It usually makes things easier for the new or novice mod user.


Then when it is installed click oin the file tab of the mod you want to use, and download with NMM/. Then install and activate it.


Here is a guide if you run into trouble http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/721054-read-here-first-nexus-mod-manager-frequent-issues/

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What game are you trying to download mods for? Did you install mod manager? Did it find your games? Did you use the default settings for downloading? Does the game work without mods? Where is the game installed?
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  • 2 weeks later...

An option to revert back to the old look of the nexus front page would be nice. Currently hating the new one. (No offense.)


Not to rant or anything but why must every site/thing bring changes all the time. Dont fix what is not broken, have we not learned this from youtube yet?


Sorry. The "new" look of the nexus front page is just giving me a real big headache and i knew the old one well and loved it for it. Please give an option to revert back to it.

Edited by justmymage
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