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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Are you thinking of Cutting Room Floor?  Arthmoor doesn't have the LE version on the Nexus anymore, but it's still on his own site, AFK Mods

(The SE version is on both Nexus and AFK Mods.)

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On 9/15/2024 at 2:02 PM, Farzaneh said:

Why does the console only selects the Player. Is there a mod that allows the Player to select an item/object in console without having to crouch?

The console doesn't only select the player; it selects whatever you click on (including some invisible things) when the console is open. 

If your character is in the way in third-person, you can go into first-person view.  Or use the tfc or tfc 1 commands to turn the flying camera on, and cam around with WASD/arrow keys.  (And sucsm [number] changes tfc's camera movement speed -- default speed is sucsm 10, but I'll put it as low as 0.1 in very tight spaces, or up to 100 or more if camming a long way outdoors.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/21/2024 at 4:24 PM, Vaklyugan said:

Hello! I am trying to find a mod which name I have forgotten. It adds black blindfold with red pattern, scythe and maybe female armor but I'm not sure about it. Does anyone know it's name?

Tonight I'm going to review the mods that I have downloaded, I think I know which one you're looking for, it had something to do with faradosthein or a similar name, as soon as I'm in front of my PC I'll respond better


I think it was this one, that's why I didn't get any results, the name was different:

Rhian Mashup 1.0.0 (look for it in loverlab)

Edited by Rodr1sen
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Hello! I am searching for a way to download the Skyrim male follower mod Johannes Grossmann. I used to have it once, before the data lost on my computer. Now I can't find a way to download it. Need some help.

Edited by Skybroom
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello, everyone!

I'm wondering whether there is a Skyrim LE mod (an SE port would be a bonus but not important) which does the following:

  • when I finish a quest like for example clearing a mine, I would like a few in-game days or even weeks for the news to travel and changes like the mine being open again now putting the place back on the map to take effect. It takes me out of the games to finish clearing a place/finish a quest and suddenly everyone knows of it even a few towns over when I have just gone back to the quest giver to finish the quest. Even in the town/settlement itself, only the questgiver and those actually there and listening in on my conversation should know at once.
  • maybe an additional mini-quest for you to spread the word? And after a while, people begin to reply "I know, a courier passed through here, talking about it. Was on his way to [Hold Capital; for Solstheim to a Dunmer Embassy] to deliver the news and probably to request some new funds and workers to keep the place running."
  • maybe a mini quest to requit mine workers who will then actually go there and work the mine (though not everyone you ask wil say yes)
  • Honestly, the most important bit for me is that I don't want to walk into a house where the people inside go "Yeah, thanks to you I got the funds back fot our city because we're now politically important again." (Raven Rock, after you cleared the mine. Immediately after you tuurned the quest in. Just, change the wording, at least, so it's a "now that the mine is free I can sent couriers to the council to request funds back, we are very grateful to you/you're our hero"- type of message rather than "you cleared the mine, you're our hero now the council have given us back our funding")
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