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Bored of Skyrim, anything to make it more interesting?


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I play games casually (not hardcore). Skyrim's a bit dull now, after my nth playthrough. I use my main rig for more intensive applications, and I've dedicated it to racing games. I have a halfway decent laptop.

The following settings produce the most enjoyable experience for me:


Res: 1366x768

Antialiasing: Off

Anisotropic Filtering: 4x

Texture size: Large

Radial Blur: Low

Shadow detail: Medium

Water: Reflect all

Object fade: 15

Actor fade: 15

Grass fade: 0 (I have grass off in my inis)

Specularity fade: 5

Light Fade: 25

Item fade: 4

Distant Object Detail: Medium


I get about 30 to 60 frames, it rarely dips below 30. I forced vsync in AMD Catalyst Control Panel.


I'm looking for mods that add lots of new content, such as additional items. I'm using Wintermyst, Randomly Distributed Items, Imemrsive Armors, Immersive Weapons, and RDO. I've deleted all of my saves and want to try something new. I've done all of MannyGT's DLCs. Never played all the way through Inigo's quest, my game always got too buggy.


Can someone kindly post a list of suggestions?

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There are any number of really good quest mods or new land/quest out there though I can't speak to their added content. Things like Falskaar which is DLC sized. Helgen Reborn...there are tons of these.


Also Enderal which is a total conversion has been released and I can attest it is a wonderful thing. Completely different world and it is beautiful and to me at least, more interesting than much of the Skyrim things.


Hope you find some things. If not, just let her rest a while and I am sure new things will come up!

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When I get bored with Skyrim, I uninstall all mods and play the vanilla game. I know that probably sounds Ludacris, and I thought the same thing before I tried it. We just go so long with mods loaded that we forget how great the core game is, warts and all.


EDIT: Just professing my amusement at that autocorrect of the word ludicrous. :P

Edited by phantompally76
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install one of the following overhauls.



skyre *total chance the game at core*


Thiefling 2

Makes skyrim into a survival style game.



it's basic not skyrim it just the engine and resources but it's not skyrim.


advanced skyrim overhaul

not my cup of thee but for some it can be a blast.


just check the selection overhauls for your prefers and experience skyrim all over again.

Edited by Wouter445
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I have a few suggestions:


Try playing with a different race. I mean, really different, One which changes the way you play - like vampires which make the game much more difficult -

you can go out only at night (or else your health and stamina won't regenerate)

and you have to feed on blood otherwise everybody will attack you and so on. Succubus race also changes the game play, no more bumping into low walls or dying from falling off a cliff.


Few more mods that will change the feel of Skyrim and will add more interest to it -

All the battle enhancing mods - like Duel combat realism or ultimate combat - I can't play without them anymore.

Alternative start - Start a new game with the 'I was attacked and left for dead' option. Simply you start the game with nothing at all so you have to find your own way.

New quest mods Like other users mentioned - Helgen reborn and Faalskar. Also you can try 'Grey cowl of Nocturnal' and 'Forgotten city'

i recommend also to add 'Immersive music' mod, New music makes a huge difference, really.

Edited by BiggestMouse
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