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Safe Zones Are they havens or isolation chambers?


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Nobody's asking anything of you, so why are you all getting so violently offended at just the concept of this? Sounds like if anyone needs to grow thicker skin, it's you.

It is everyone's concern when the the ability of the younger generation to express themselves in a manner that will defend themselves and those growing older and those growing up behind them. Do you really think that those voices whofought for gay marrage and equal rights were protected from the opinions and attitudes that they found so reprehensibile.


We are talking about an entire generation of kids that are going to fall apart and have tantrums because they won't know how to deal with adversity..

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That was directed at anyone offended by the mere concept of safe spaces. And the idea that this is discrimination is laughable... "random jackass who likes to insult anyone different from themself" is not a protected class.


EDIT: And weren't you the one who was railing on and on, not too long ago, about the sanctity of single-gender bathrooms? Don't you think it's just a little bit disingenuous that now you're all about making sure everyone is allowed everywhere?

Let's not mix apples with oranges. The ability to tak a dump where you please is worlds away from the ability to debate and stand your ground when you know you are right. Do you want to be old and retired when one of these special little snowflakes goes up against a Donald Trump-like personality who is trying to take your benefits away from you?

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That was directed at anyone offended by the mere concept of safe spaces. And the idea that this is discrimination is laughable... "random jackass who likes to insult anyone different from themself" is not a protected class.


EDIT: And weren't you the one who was railing on and on, not too long ago, about the sanctity of single-gender bathrooms? Don't you think it's just a little bit disingenuous that now you're all about making sure everyone is allowed everywhere?

I am not offended. I just think that it is a stupid idea. There are no 'safe spaces' at work. You learn to deal with it, or you move on. However, in todays society, it 'appears' that we are doing our best to avoid offending anyone, even when they so richly deserve it..... at the expense of the health of our society. I think Denzel Washington put it best in the movie Demolition Man: We have become a Brady Bunch, Pussy whipped version of ourselves.


That isn't helping anyone, and is only serving to further erode our society. Whatever happened to schools building the foundational skills required to survive in the working world? Instead, its "everyone wins, everyone gets a trophy, no one person is any better than anyone else." And then, when they get out into the real world, it is a MAJOR cultural shock, when they discover that NOTHING they learned in school has prepared them for the real world.

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With that logic, you'd think that graduates of women's colleges, for instance, would be coddled delicates who can't combat sexism as they haven't experienced it as much. But you'd be dead wrong: women's college graduates are hugely over-represented in Congress and high-ranking corporate positions. Giving oppressed people a respite from the constant harassment aimed at them lets them thrive, develop a self-image as a worthy person, and go on to challenge the systems of oppression they face later on.

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With that logic, you'd think that graduates of women's colleges, for instance, would be coddled delicates who can't combat sexism as they haven't experienced it as much. But you'd be dead wrong: women's college graduates are hugely over-represented in Congress and high-ranking corporate positions. Giving oppressed people a respite from the constant harassment aimed at them lets them thrive, develop a self-image as a worthy person, and go on to challenge the systems of oppression they face later on.

You are talking about graduates and adults who have already left school and have had the benefit of the school of hard knocks. when we are talking about a relatively new idea that has yet to be implimented. It goes to highlight the differences between progressives and liberals. Progressive what solutions that will work well for as many as posible. Liberals want to champion ideas that for the most part are shoved down the noses of those less capable with dealing with them.


This safe haven is a liberal idea that will in effect make their work and the work of the progressive movement far less attainable because those who these institutions are created for will not aquire the skills they will need to carry our work foreword.

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With that logic, you'd think that graduates of women's colleges, for instance, would be coddled delicates who can't combat sexism as they haven't experienced it as much. But you'd be dead wrong: women's college graduates are hugely over-represented in Congress and high-ranking corporate positions. Giving oppressed people a respite from the constant harassment aimed at them lets them thrive, develop a self-image as a worthy person, and go on to challenge the systems of oppression they face later on.

You are talking about graduates and adults who have already left school and have had the benefit of the school of hard knocks. when we are talking about a relatively new idea that has yet to be implimented. It goes to highlight the differences between progressives and liberals. Progressive what solutions that will work well for as many as posible. Liberals want to champion ideas that for the most part are shoved down the noses of those less capable with dealing with them.


This safe haven is a liberal idea that will in effect make their work and the work of the progressive movement far less attainable because those who these institutions are created for will not aquire the skills they will need to carry our work foreword.


Thank You Very Much. That was a perfect response. :D

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I've only seen safe spaces talked about in the context of college and specific meeting places for minorities. What universe are you in where people are proposing cradle-to-grave safe spaces?

Colleges hold the minds of the thinkers of tomarrow. You talk cradle to grave but we are talking the formative years where people learn who they are and where they fit into the world around them. I'm not talking where they fit socially, but where their tallents and desires are leading them. The most important thing is understanding who they are and developing the skills to inshrine themselve in the world they grow up in.

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Yeah, but you said that the comparison to women's colleges is invalid because it's "talking about graduates and adults who have already left school and have had the benefit of the school of hard knocks." You haven't said anything to support that the two cases are actually different.

Your arguement is about people who have moved past the very institutions in which these safe zones are designed to inhabit.

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