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Resurrect your spouse?


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If you don't open your spouse's cryo pod, couldn't you potentially bring her back from the brink of death? She was re-frozen only a few seconds after she was shot, and some people irl can be medically dead for several minutes before doctors can revive them.


I'd like to see a mod that resurrects your spouse from the beginning of the game. Using the assistance of one or more of the factions you've joined, if you haven't opened her pod yet, you can open the pod for the first time, and your friends will immediately begin working on defibrillating the spouse.


Once resurrected, the spouse can be a companion, except that she comes pre-romanced. No need to build your relationship from the ground up and pass any persuasion checks. Just like with any other companion, you can send her to whatever settlements you want when you're not using her.


Anyone second this request?

Edited by stebbinsd
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Well, you can't resurrect the spouse regardless, because the cryogenic systems ran out of fuel / encountered an error and just shut down. That's why you awoke when you did; it couldn't keep you "on ice".

Although, your request defintely reminds me of another mod i've seen called "Synthetic Love", here.

It's generally the same idea, just with the spouse being a synth.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the cryogenic systems ran out of fuel / encountered an error and just shut down. That's why you awoke when you did

That directly contradicts something stated during the Institute questline. Father says he ordered you released in the hopes that you would find him.


Also, the mod you suggested isn't what I have in mind at all. That mod has Synth Nora not recognize you. You have to build her relationship from the ground up. That's not what I had in mind.

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this is a fun topic -

First I address the game-wise way it can happen,

then, I discuss 'lore' reflection.



console command can spawn pre-war character...

if there was some way to does so, you could 'revive' to them.

once spawned, you may then maybe make them 'essential' so as they don't die.

as to companion...

that would have to be ground-up probably... a separate file.

so, they'd still appear in V111, though they'd be alive too.



Lore wise;

it would be awesome to have that happen!

I would revive as many who suffer from Vault Tec as possible -

if there was a way to undo 2077 altogether, many would avoid no?


I already download mod to V111 - so it is a settlement.

The Vault Tec Rep is now the overseer - and they will hold the renowned

'trial of Vault Tec' - a posthumous trial of the skeleton of the heads of vault-tec,

in absentia, for the crimes against humanity they and the Enclave perform...

"what happened above was horrible, what they did below... didn't have to happen,

and made a bad situation, worse. Truly, they were monsters.

they 'knew' what was going to happen, and killed good people who try to stop them...

ad coelum."


hence, it would also be AWESOME if,

the 'good institute' + BoS + Minutemen,

could find a way to revive some of the people there...

they could testify, not only that -

they may have pre-war knowledges vital to the survival of post-war world eh?


1 - Lorenzo's Blood. Emogene was near death, or dead for several days,

when it revived her. Lorenzo himself was said to be dead in the desert when he revive...

perhaps, if the cyrogenic freeze was still maintain, it could bring them back?

2 - General Atomic Galleria auto-doc - Auto-Docs could maybe bring the pre-war partner back? the hilarious General at Atomic Galleria,

may be a 'surgeon-general'. He's a doctor, in allusion to MASH? (Alda in a fallout game hehehe)

3 - Institute - maybe they can clone, and together with Dr Amari, Curie and the Railroad,

transfer the consciousness from the companion into a new body... v3 or v4 synth is effectively a 1:1 human clone.

4 - BoS - maybe they have a method for reviving people after a certain time?

they have acquired a lot of pre-war tech... who knows?


as to why some system may have fail...

it is unclear what way they fail -

power failure (unlikely),

from the revolt ~1year after sealing

(though, it is clear someone stay to make the cryolator)

too cold etc,

or maybe it have to do with

the enclave mod I work with others;


// fan-verse --- feel free to ignore eh

the enclave attempt to drill into V111 in circa 2180s/2190s...

they attempt to open the door or override, it doesn't work.

due to the nature of the site, and Stanislaus Braun's ordering... they do not fatman or blast the door.

they drill from under Red Rocket Concord,

believing from Vault Tec plans, the vault to have extended under the river to meet their tunnel...

when they suffer setbacks,

they begin to wonder what went on there...


in the 2290s,

the BoS resumes Red Rocket Spa and Resort - a large settlement with

a wooden-skyscraper.

they build below moreso, a large cargo ramp from the workshop.

clearing the dump area,

they continue the enclaves work subterrains,

to make V111 a larger BoS style bunker much like in

the NCR...


the enclave gets as far as the outer perimeter of V111,

and may have breached the lower levels exterior.


Stanislaus is likely testing something to do with Tranquility Lane.

maybe, some of the users in V111 are in tranquility lane simulation,

and Stanislaus is testing reviving them.

thus, maybe their engram is still available from Tranquility Lane to be revived?

// end fan verse.

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Spoilers obviously (If the game can be spoiled at this point.)


Lore Wise - If I recall correctly during Kellog's memories, you find out that The Institute ordered him to leave all the other cryopods turned off, other than your own. It's why there was a 'failure' and all the other people in the vault died. The Institute basically murdered them all, but manually turned yours back on, which Father later turns off to unfreeze you.


Now, it's not really clear if they refreeze your spouse or not. So, it could potentially work. Though, I believe they were shot in the head. So, I'm not sure how much work could be done....


Though it does open up a possibility. What if your spouse was shot in the head, and frozen before dying. After all, people do survive some times, and if they were frozen it could help. But, what if the wound actually caused them to have amnesia, and the follower mod you're requesting actually has quest lines and dialogue as you raise affinity where they start to remember you, and eventually become your 'lover' again. Could be an interesting follower mod, and without the Synth angle and those weird grenades.

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Yeah I mean if it was done well.


The Synthetic Love mod is still working out its kinks and such, but it's a rather different concept altogether as it replaces your spouse with a synth. I think a lot of players appreciated Nora in the beginning, and a mod allowing her to survive and be your companion, while requiring a lot of voice splicing, is definitely doable. Just comes down to that really.


But really a mother and father chasing down their child, now that is something entirely different, albeit totally awesome!

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another way to do it. again don't open once you unlock dr Amari for curie. you ask her for help saving your spouse. she can then travel with you to vault 111 and check out your spouse's frozen body. do medical repairs to frozen spouse and try to revive them. another option following synth love line is she tried but cant save spouse.says she can save there mind though.after all she did dive into pieces of Kellogg's parts for us. she can them transfer our spouses brain into a synth body. story wise its better than look I found a copy droid of spouse hanging out in the shopping center of my old baseball park.


the problem I see would be codsworth interactions. I have seen my followers converse have dialog lines between them when we swap them out. someone would have to make a few comments up for codsworth since your once dead spouse is now back to life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, coming back to this idea, and seeing all the postings, I wanted to say a few things. Before I do.... I just want to be fair to those that might be reading and not already been flooded with spoiler overflow so...



One post above mentions that the wife/nora is thawed, however when the Sole Survivor emerges, you can open Noras cryo-pod in the game and her body is still frozen; a completely different state than the other cryo-pods which appear to have been either smashed open/exposed to room temp air thru the glass plate in front of the head/face area... or just simply skeletal remains inside the slightly chilled pods.


When you review Kelloggs memories with the help of Doctor Amari, the Institute Tech that went with Kellogg and the third party (presumably a nurse sort of tech --- to take care of the baby), the one that operates the console to open the Cryo-Pods...then resets them after the baby is removed. However it does appear that some errors were made in that reset, since other log entries from the other cryo pods indicate they went offline during that "incursion" by Kelloggs retrieval team, and they never reactivated, or...they ran out of cryo fluid and possibly the Vault 111 alert that awakened the Sole Survivor came from 'Father' himself. I imagine the sequence of events went something like this.


The project to retrieve the untainted genetic material had specific orders from the person that was then the Director of the Institute, approximately 60+ years earlier. That Director wanted to start up the process of making more advanced synthetics, to go beyond what they had previously accomplished with the Gen 1's & Gen 2's...in essence the start of the Gen 3's. That Director had received info about the cryo project at Vault 111 and wanted to find some viable subjects for use. So...Kelloggs retrieval unit was dispatched. My theory is that when they arrived, and looked at the manifests of occupants, they then communicated with the Director, who selected the child as the first choice, but probably gave orders that if there were any complications (such as the baby not surviving the cryo freeeze process), then Kellogg and crew were ordered to take one of the parents..... However after opening the pod and taking the child, the pods were resealed, leaving the Sole Survivor as the backup, in case the baby had complications. The Institute tech that ran the console reset the cryo-pods, and in this case the pods might have been previous set, linked as a pair since they were registered as a 'family unit' by Vault-Tec 210 years before. So resetting the Sole Survivors pod would have also reset the cryo-freeze in Noras pod. Now, to tackle the mystery of ...why, if the pods were reset, did all of the other Vault 111 inhabitants die in their cryo-pods? I think a simple answer would be that when the Institute Tech reset the pods to maintain the freeze for the Sole Survivor, he input commands that would have diverted all of the remaining cryo fluid to only be used for that one set of pods, so soon thereafter the other frozen people...died from a lack of cryo fluid and then suffocated when they awoke in their pods and could not get out, or even worse they awoke, and still had oxygen but then died days later from starvation/thirst. That reasoning would explain why all the other bodies in the cryo-pods have skeletal remains. Those occupants would have been dead for more than 60 years.


Now, when the Sole Survivor is awakened, I do think it is the result of "Father/Shaun" sending a signal to the cryo-console in Vault 111 which revived him, not simply because the pod ran out of cryo-fluid. Several comments by Living and later Dead Kellogg seem to support this(about tracking the Sole Survivor from His exit from the Vault, but not giving Him good odds to even make it to Diamond City), as well as a comment or two made by Father/Shaun about the Sole Survivor being "released" to exact some manner of revenge. So, in my theory, if the Sole Survivor was actually released, and not simply awoken by an emergency alert, then there is the potential that possibly those linked pair of cryo-pods (Nate & Noras) still have cryo fluid possibly in an emergency reserve status, but still, enough that the cryo-pod is still working when you go back to Vault 111 and look at her body.


So...to wrap it up. I think that Nora could be revived with something as simple as a good stim-pack treatment administered by a Doctor ( a real Doctor, like Amari, and possibly even Curie ..... just not a Trader Doctor...lol ) Afterall, if you have played through the "MacDonough is a synth" storyline, then you know that Danny Sullivan was apparently near death and the Sole Survivor saves his life with the use of a single stim-pack. While Nora might need more medical assistance due to the gunshot trauma followed by a quick refreezing, I do think it is narratively justified to have a mod that simply allows her to be brought back from seeming death. End Spoiler



So, thats my theory. It does seem to fit all the evidence contained within the game. As far as getting dialogue for a Nora NPC, that shouldn't be too hard for a talented Modder to take the female voiced lines for a Sole Survivor and port them over to be used for a Companion NPC.

Edited by PoppaSmirk
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