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Food auto consumption and penalties


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Hi people. Got annoyed with food/water use and penalty system. so couple of questions to mod guys:



1. is there a possibility to make PC eat and drink automatically when he gets hungry/thirsty? I hate to be distracted all the time with messages like "ME HUNGRY" when I actually have a backpack full of foodz. So he could eat something with low-mid "food points" value to get his hunger meter low again (idk if food actually works this way, just thinking). Maybe some holotape-type configurator item that would set params for auto food and drink use?


'cause now it really just breaks game flow, nothing else.

2. is there a possibility to DELAY thirst penalty after using stimpack or alcohol for some time? It's really irritating. I mean, they could give us some time to deal with bad guys. instead we have to rush in our backpacks in search of SWEET WATERZ in the middle of fight. Or after I drink some Vodka, same thing. Thirst just SHOULD be delayed.

3. Aand maybe hunger/thirst cure should also take some time and not be instant?


4. And how much water a human being needs per day? My could easily have ~10 bottles/cans. which is about 5 liters. Which is weird. Okay, found mod for that.

Edited by azatot49
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sorry for my bad english,

in Far Harbor DLC there a legendary called "Auto-Stim"

if your health under 25%, it will stimpak you automatically every 60s,

so why we dont edit this,


every 60s =>

if you hungry, eat automatically,

if you thirsty, drink automatically,

if you radiated, radaway automatically,

(i hope this is 1 pack, not separate legendaries)


as far i know, it not cheat ,

the developer give this feature,

why we dont use it?,


at this point my modding skill is quite low,

will somebody help me make this come true?

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