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Cyanide and Happiness Idle NPCchatter


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Basically replace this:




"I have to go"


With this:





Fallout 3 version would be nice too.


OR at least give us a mod that lets us take the shrooms those vanilla NPCs are on :mad:

Edited by ModelV
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Well that's a lot beter than


"Patroling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter"

"Patroling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter"

"Patroling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter"

"Patroling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter"

"Patroling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter"



Post more things of what you think would make good conversations.


Maybe I could try some (medicore) voice acting for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now imagine how annoying that line must be to those using the mod that makes it winter in the Mojave. They did seem to skimp on the random voiceclips and npc convos in Fallout don't they?...I was playing Oblivion again and they have all kinds of conversations and smalltalk about rumors...some of which the first time you hear them become a quest hook!....So why the scimping with Fallout?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Now imagine how annoying that line must be to those using the mod that makes it winter in the Mojave. They did seem to skimp on the random voiceclips and npc convos in Fallout don't they?...I was playing Oblivion again and they have all kinds of conversations and smalltalk about rumors...some of which the first time you hear them become a quest hook!....So why the scimping with Fallout?



Because patrolling the Mojave makes me wish for a nuclear winter.



Just the devs being lazy. It happens. They leave it to us to flesh out the bits they half ass

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Here's one for NCR to use instead of "Patrolling".



"At least the Mojave has water."



Most of California is totally without groundwater and what there is is undrinkable. So having a place where water isn't needed to be constantly processed from the ocean, which is painfully labor and material intensive especially in a Fallout setting, is a huuuuuuuge advantage for the area from the NCR standpoint, or at least it should be.

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