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Environmental hazards and forces that attack cities


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How about some environmental hazards? Like blizzards or some kinda of acid rains (caused by dragons) that would force you to find shelter? (ala STALKER emissions)


And how about some bandits or "darkspawn" that would attack cities and forts?


Brainstorming :P

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one thing im worrying about is the NPCs.. i remember in riften there was a "raid" of thieves and so i came to help the guards kill them since their aim was so bad they hit the NPCs and not the thieves X_X so i killed them all but i found out a beggar died!! 5 min later a courier came to me with some money saying the beggar inherited me 100g
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Well, theres some easy manageable things that would create better immersion and add to environmental effects too. What I thought of:


- you go swimming -> you get wet -> skyrim is a cold,cold land -> depending on the area you went swimming at, get either minor cold problems, maybe even disease, or in really cold areas take continual damage due to freezing

- on very steep slopes, depending on slope angle add a calculation that you will slip and fall or get "knocked" off, depending on a skill like sneaking or something similar

- make overhangs really independent areas so it wont snow or rain from the ceiling of an understand or cave. Make those areas safe zones where you dont get negative effects due to extreme cold snowstorms etc., maybe even use these shelters to get rid of negative effects

- areas around campfires/stoves/inside houses/taverns should remove the negative freezing effect

- how about puddles created by rain that will slowly remove themselves a minute after the rain is over? should be easily implementable

- in other games *cough* witcher *cough* people actually seek shelter during hard rain/snowfalls -> higher people density in taverns at rainy/snowy evenings

- random lightning sets trees on fire -> how about lightning at all?!

- i guess avalanches are a bit too hard to mod, although you could use the trap script from falling boulders... ok its moddable :)

- i think i should give up economics and become game designer.

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how bout blizzards, every one runs inside - "look out a blizzard is coming" and it does damage to anyone outside and it would be cool if your out in the wild and had to quickly find shelter before you die.


well it should be dependable of what you wear. if your ravel in a bikini a short time in the blizzard should kill you. if you have 5 layers and a bearpelt-coat you hardly take freezing damage at all. but some visual effects like blur and desorientation on top of freezing would be nice...

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I like the Idea.


@cmoe I totally agree with you. These things would add some real cool immersion to the game.


And maybe make it snow can grow up to big dense snow storms, that make you unable to run on feet or on horse and you also lose HP slowly with fur-armors, and faster with armors without fur. In hideouts can be savezones, or you could add some extra hideouts espacially for hiding from things like snowstorms.

Edited by answerme
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