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How would you make skooma better?


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I like the slowdown idea.


The thing we keep hearing about skooma is that it's highly addictive. It would be cool to incorporate that with some kind of withdrawal.


I was thinking the same thing. Something where the negative effects last for awhile, but they're negated if you take more skooma. Plus the negative effects are cumulative, so for example if it causes Stamina to regenerate at -10% for five minutes with one dose, taking a second means it regenerates at -20% for ten minutes, and so on. This wouldn't effect the positive side of skooma though. It would always just restore 25 stamina points. Perhaps make it one point less each time until it's completely out of your system (ie: a second dose would only restore 24 points unless it was taken after the five-minute-long penalty from the first dose was done, and so on).


Though with this idea, you'd have to make skooma more attractive to use in the first place. Make it into some sort of superman potion that increases all your stats for a minute or two, after which the negative side effects kick in.

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