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[WIP] Rigmor of Cyrodiil


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Wolves, big thanks to Durakwolle for permissions to fully exploit his realistic wolf calls :smile:

Join me on FB (link in sig) and YT for more info on the progress of the sequel, pack your bags, we're going to Cyrodiil ;)


Edited by Rigmor
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Hi guys and girls, you probably know of me for my Quest/Companion mod Rigmor of Bruma. We'll you might not, so I am hoping to generate a little interest in the development of the sequel, Rigmor of Cyrodiil. Rigmor has gone to Bruma and you will get a chance to be reunited in a brand new world I am making all by hand. The new quest will take you to Cyrodiil, Hammerfell and other sekrit locations as you once again become Rigmor's Guardian and Protector on another immersive adventure, where you'll find yourself fighting a new kind of war, against an enemy that will make all your perks and levels obsolete, so be warned.

You can keep up to date on the development of this mod from this forum topic, or by checking out Rigmor's new Facebook page, where there's many new pictures of the progress, she has been my labor of love for some time now, if you haven't played Rigmor of Bruma, the link to the mod is in my sig below. It's a rollercoaster of a ride. Feel free to ask any questions, I always answer, Dark has been so kind as to provide me with my own bedroll here at the Nexus. But before we get started ( I hope we will at least generate a bit of interest) I have the main questions answered below to those biggies. Go easy on me, I am very fragile.

Q: But why, I hear you say. Why do all this?
A: Well at the end of RoB, I couldn't just leave 'ol Rigs disabled in The Ether. She has become so much more to me, enough so, I decided to make the very world she comes from so that she might live on.
Q: B...but isn't this going to take years to do?
A: Short answer, no. I am not making a new game, I am telling a story and Cyrodiil in E4 205 is adapted to it, and I want to take you on a unique adventure and experience something special. This project was never intended to be a complete overhaul or an adaption of TES IV.
There's a downloadable content pack for Rigs fans on my mod page under optional, it's got some goodies and dev pics there, feel free to grab that, lot's of free stuff from RoB, soundtrack etc.


Let me just say this now...If u haven't played Rigmor of Bruma....u most definitely need to !!! It is truly gripping & very well done.

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