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unconsciousness as an option


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It will ce useful to add unconsciousness as an option in game. Maybe for friendly fights, pickpocketing, enter in to the building near guards you don't want to kill. Taking a hostages, (Like Talmorans in game and tide them up...) or for a vampires take a "allways fresh" food! :)

It will be whole new field fo a quests...maybe in Elder scrolls VI.


You will get option to smack somevody with club, cudgel, wooden mace or (for fun) INN's fights with a bunch of drunken orks.

exp and perks going as usual, but without blood.


exeptions will be Dragons and beasts.


example: after four sucsessful beating ups wolf become domestical and your faithful companion.


Knock down Bandit Chief and bring him to town for public execution...

Edited by sedeslav
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So you posted this in general discussion rather than mod requests? :facepalm:




UUUPs...sorry...Is that wrong? I was just think that will be good to discuss about first. Maybe my idea isn't that good after all. what is your oppinion?

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Think it may be possible, considering i had a mod at one time in morrowind that once you died you turned into a spirit and had to get your body back to appear back into the game, if i remember right it started you at a city or something, was pretty cool...should look that mod up again as i never saved it when i formatted during that time.
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