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A Pump Shotgun?


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http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14654/? There's already a Pump shotgun resource that need to be made into real gun, and last i check, there are already some guns with unique reload animation, so i dont think making reload animation for a pump shotgun is impossible anymore.

I know im not the only one who are dying to get a pump action shotgun like me, so please if anyone out there with skill, make this come true, Fall out 4 cant be perfect without a Pump-Action Shotgun !!!!!!!!!!!

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I've had a look and a pump action shotgun would kinda work. Watch this video to see what I mean-


I have a guy willing to make animations but gets annoyed by the problem stated in the Youtube video.

if the reload animation is too hard, just make it like vanilla at first, i mostly care about the sounds, and the part when you slide your hand under the barrel ,point the gun up a bit after firing every shot,not put a new shell like in that video. Sorry if you dont understand what i mean because English is not my first language, here's a video to describe the kind of pump-action shotgun that im thinking about -for the part (slide your hand under the barrel after firing every shot).

Edited by xheox
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