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I've recently just gone through my personal settings to change my profile picture and while i was there i was also looking for an option to change my Username but i did not find one. Is it even possible to change your username on here and if so how can i get it done because I would like to change my Username to ThatNormalBunny so that it would match my names on other platforms/websites

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an option for even just small username editing would be useful, some people (like me) dont want a number in their name anymore, or a capital letter somewhere, they could go along the lines that places like some websites have that allow you to capitalize things and remove some numbers from a username,so it stays unique but still helps the user

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an option for even just small username editing would be useful, some people (like me) dont want a number in their name anymore, or a capital letter somewhere, they could go along the lines that places like some websites have that allow you to capitalize things and remove some numbers from a username,so it stays unique but still helps the user

Even a small edit is a huge change to the whole Username account. From what I've been given to understand the Moderators must get into the account and change links to posts and uploaded content. For simple accounts this may not be a huge deal, but for accounts with lots of content this could eat a lot of the Moderator's time. If they agree to change the first example then they would have to agree to change the second example, as well. Therefore they have a blanket refusal to change any Usernames. At least this is my understanding of the issue. I agree with you that it would be nice, but it would also be impractical.



The Rabbit

Edited by Rabbit 51
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