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Random Encounters or more interesting spawns?


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If you're like me you have beaten the main quest a few times and are on your 20th vault 101 survivor character. At this point the game is pretty boring. You know that Bloat Flies and Radroaches attack in Sanctuary, then there's that dog across the river, molerats at the Red Rocket, the exact location of each Raider in Concord, that bear in the cabin near the rail lines next to the ghouls by the boxcars with the mines etc etc.


So is there a mod which adds truly random encounters to the game to spice things up? Is there some way to make the game more interesting to a player that's seen 75% of the content and knows all the spawn points? I feel like Arnold in Last Action hero "There's always a guy in the closet".



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I share your lament there

excellent question.

it can be as such... yet why?

we are teased with the good idea - the endless BoS fetch quest or Minutemen 'kidnap' quest etc...

random quest could be made...

even just to switch up what attack where, sans DLC.


I do not yet know of any...

though, there is a 'bounties' tab, and a 'quest-misc' tab... in NMM.

it may be possible to make such.


I advocate for some bounties in a separate thread - though they're more 'one-shot quest arcs'

as someone already mail to me hehe. this discussion at hand

would be helpful also to that ideas thread.


My code-fu is weak, so I would not be able to help much in that regard...


lets spitball some pseudo-code and see if the modder-pros can chime in


if it is a node in the game which npc.spawn.[|enemyname|]

maybe it can be a choose array,

so the node becomes an extra block...

get.that.array[enemies in alphabetical in an array]

and each time you cross it, it will be a random selection from that array?

would you also want some

MCMC code to prevent the same returned result?

ie... if you cross a cell in game, and vs gunners or enclave,

you don't want to return 20mins later and have the same enemy 'random' spawn...

that would be a XOR gate or a

If-else pairing...

if i.ret in > 15mins, then (n-1)NOT i mod i,

that will set the cell and the cells around it based on the cell itself.

if a player levels significantly between cells, that creates a problem already,

which lock some power armor or make the state of that cell cap at 1 for turret etc

(patch mods exist to allow selection of turret in menu as workaround)


however - some interesting exceptions might happen -

say you are allied with the 'random spawn' -

there goes your challenge hehehe.

I think IIRC, FO4 discerns based on playerstatus.faction.[value]

unlike the floatingpoint karma of FO:NV and FO3.

so, maybe that can be used also to make sure whatever spawns in the cell

will definitely be hostile.

the ChallengeLevel code relative to the player is already pretty good -

it makes the enemies of a similar level based on your level when entering the cell.


I saw a similar mod for FO3,

though IIRC, such mods are prone to stability issues.

Mods in Halo in XNA were able to spawn different character at the same node though,

and that became an else array



Imagine AGIXML used to allow players

to input textstrings to NPCs,

with a hashing table/hexadecimal table for

the response matches, which are

Chomsky/Schutzenberger and MCMC compared from

the player input.


If you swear in your 500 character input,

the NPC will become hostile etc.


Ie, in previous FO games,

players could type to the NPC.


Imagine being able to negotiate with the NPC,

more immersively,

as an alternative to straight up combat.

Now, merge with your idea of random encounter in each cell...

so there is a little from column A, a little from column B.

if you prefer shooters, less from column A

if you play a non-aggressive character, more from column B.


No such mod yet exists, despite discussions

here, on bethesda.net and on cogworks.

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The problem with Bethesda's random encounters, is that they're completely temporary. An actor is spawned when the player is in an area, and when they leave, the actor is removed from the game.


You can't really work with that. Want to add them as a settler? Too bad, they'll despawn as soon as you leave their side.


Want to make them a companion? Too bad, they'll despawn as soon as you go into an interior/exterior/fast travel/run too far ahead.


It's the sorta design ethos you'd expect to find in a game for the Gameboy Advance.

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Seems like there isn't a good solution. The enemies of the commonwealth are far too static. Every time you visit Gorski cabin you get attacked by 3-5 feral ghouls. Every time you visit the Super Duper Mart you get attacked by the same ghouls. Wouldn't it be nice if you were surprised by Super Mutants there instead sometimes?

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Seems like there isn't a good solution. The enemies of the commonwealth are far too static. Every time you visit Gorski cabin you get attacked by 3-5 feral ghouls. Every time you visit the Super Duper Mart you get attacked by the same ghouls. Wouldn't it be nice if you were surprised by Super Mutants there instead sometimes?

The problem with this is, something like that would be fine for you. But then you have those folks who'll scream immersion breakage because why are Super Mutants spawning in Vault 95?

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