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Starting New Game?


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I would like to start a new character in a new game, but I cannot seem to do so with the New Game menu. I believe that I read somewhere that you must disable all of your mods before a new game can start, however that doesn't seem to make any difference. Can anyone help this clueless rabbit? Thank you.



The Rabbit

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When I had this problem the culprit was an old hud mod. You might have a mod that needs to be deleted not just disabled or uninstalled.

Thank you, 2much for the reply. I used The Google to reference my issue and someone said that mods that give you things at the start can deny a restart also. Someone also suggested disabling all mods before the restart (probably linked to the same suggestion that you made) although this did not work for me. Then another fellow suggested this file: (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/467/?) which places you past the beginning at the Character Creation screen. I intend to give it a try later.


It just seems bad form to me to permit multiple character saves and not to permit a restart. I know that I've managed it twice before this. Oh, well, C'est la vie.


Thanks again, old chum.



The Rabbit

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