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YK32 Pulse Gun


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Can somebody make a weapon mod that adds this in? For the pistol version, this picture here could be a good reference - https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fallout+yk32+pulse+pistol&view=detailv2&&id=0FC99A70F43FE2C37F1FE1C04CB490F386231C81&selectedIndex=3&ccid=amkO4YaZ&simid=608048494199898343&thid=OIP.M6a690ee18699aa4a92ce27044ef6abc8o0&ajaxhist=0


(I do not claim ownership nor any credit for the image)


And if someone makes it, remember, it shoots purple electrical "pulse" projectiles. I'd say the projectile mirelurk kings shoot at you could be used for that, just recolor them I suppose. I also would like the projectile to travel much faster than plasma projectiles.

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There's a mod that changes Institute lasers to Laser Assisted Electrical weapons. Makes them much more effective, because very few things in the game have any resistance to electrical damage.




There's also the LAEP.



But those aren't anything near what I want. I want a pulse gun like the one in Fallout 2, neither of those mods fit the bill for me :/

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