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Body Physics


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I just want to know...........what is the best physics mod for the body out there. It does not have to be one on the Nexus, I just want to know which is the best with well...............the female body parts and making them move REALISTIC, not bouncing around like out of control bouncy balls placed in a bra. It can be a separate mod from the skin or a combined one that has meshes, textures and everything else. I am currently using TroubleMakers UNPB MTM Bodies and UNP MTM Bodies NMM combined as it gives many options.

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It does have a lot of resources, but almost no reference material for those resources to know what they look like or what they do. Not to mention this one little thing that is states at the beginning " Now incorporated into the Main Bodyslide download on Nexus". Also, this is mainly a body model set, not the physics that I was looking for as Bodyslide includes HDT physics with it. Looking for mainly the files for changing the weight settings of the physics to something that is more natural. Most default setting have things bouncing around like it was all just balloons held to the body on strings. :laugh:

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It does have a lot of resources, but almost no reference material for those resources to know what they look like or what they do. Not to mention this one little thing that is states at the beginning " Now incorporated into the Main Bodyslide download on Nexus". Also, this is mainly a body model set, not the physics that I was looking for as Bodyslide includes HDT physics with it. Looking for mainly the files for changing the weight settings of the physics to something that is more natural. Most default setting have things bouncing around like it was all just balloons held to the body on strings. :laugh:


That is not even remotely what your original message said. Your attempt to be coy and avoid saying you want to adjust the breast and butt bounce made your request completely opaque.


If you want to adjust how things bounce, you will need to edit the HDT Physics XML file that controls those things. I have literally no idea how you would even start on doing this. I suggest you download several different HDT Physics bounce settings, compare how they do things, and work from there.


Next time if you want help, actually ask for what you want, and don't try to be a comedian.

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