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FIX - Making "Data Files" clickable so you can load mods!


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it works but then my games crashes ! any help ??



If you have a lot of mods, use Boss to sort the load order. Also, use the file integrity tool using steam launcher.


  1. Open the Steam Launcher.
  2. Right click on your Skyrim game.
  3. Left click on properties.
  4. Left click on local files field.
  5. Left click on Verify Integrity game catch.

If there are any missing files, Steam will download them.


Also, be sure you have the game updated to the latest version patch. Unless specified, mods are made for the latest patch.

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Generic troubleshooting - for generic "it's broke what do I do." posts :thumbsup:


Here is a link to my mods troubleshooting blog on my own site.



Currently still under construction - any suggestions will be appreciated. As the site is only open to comments by invitation, please make your suggestions by PM (Private Message) at the Nexus.

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*snicker* *snort*


I also go through your site. I remember seeing those same posts way back when. Helped out when I had a couple of problems with my setup and oblivion back when I first started playing that.


LOL, then I spent over half an hour finding out that if I used a controller to play New Vegas, that the console wouldn't show up. It was one line...on one page...after digging through six forum's for it...If I could just remember where I saw it now.


But yes, generic answers for generic questions are good. Then if its more problematic than that, they need to get more specific than "It's broke what do I do." http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


Then I let the smarter people help! Ones who've been modding these games since they first came out. I still need to get into using the creation kit. Funny thing is, I can build on a mud with no problem and can get the jist of mud coding.

Edited by Sonreac
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  • 4 weeks later...

FINALLY, this works! Thank you for actually telling me where to put that line in my SkyrimPrefs.ini file. Thank you a lot.




Hey Nexus forum, I keep seeing posts of people posting about how they cannot click on their "Data Files" option in launcher so just gonna write the steps on how to fix this, so those that are unaware of it don't have to make new topics and wait for replies.


1. Open skyrimprefs.ini (Documents > my games > skyrim)


2. Add the following entry under the [Launcher] heading: bEnableFileSelection=1


3. If there is no [Launcher] heading, or if step 2 didn't help add the line below to the TOP of the file and it should work.





4. Enjoy your mods


(If it still doesn't work try re-installing or running as administrator and Vista Service Pack 2 compatible)



I know most people know all this already but now it's there for anyone who needs it.





EDIT: Just gonna bump it once a day, if it doesn't bother anyone :P

Bumping is against the rules. If we allow indiscriminate bumping then the first several pages of every forum would be nothing but bump bump bump.


You get a strike for not reading the rules and all of your bumps removed.

Bben46. Moderator

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  • 2 months later...
sadly, this hasn't fixed it for me, and Bethesda has been useless. They keep asking for my dxdiag files, which I keep sending. I bought it thorough steam, and I verify my files every day, still nothing. my prefs file didn't have a launcher line. I added it, but it still doesn't work. It also checks the graphics every time it launches, and sets it to medium but it changes nothing. It also loads the launcher even if I click on the game file instead of the launcher. I'm going crazy here. I purchased dawnguard and it's unplayable without the data files. I really need som help here.
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Do you have all of this in your launcher section?







Also are you adding to the prefs.ini that is in (username)/my documents/mygames/skyrim?


There's another one that is in your program files folder, but that one won't have any effect on your game.

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  • 4 years later...

Are you installed in the program files folder (default location)? If so, place it elsewhere since that causes UAC problems and plays havoc with modding. Are you using a mod manager on the same hard drive as the game? Do you use LOOT and Tes5Edit?

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  • 2 months later...

This is literally doing nothing for me at all. I am using Nexus Mod Manage. I am using Beth INI. I am editing the pref ini manually. I am setting the damn things to read only. Nothing is working and all my mods are getting disabled. Why the hell is it so damn hard to get games to run properly!?

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