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Are Dragons too easy to kill?


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They are quite tough the first few levels, but later on they become easier and easier to kill, but that still won't ruin the fun, don't worry.

Though, the Elder Dragons are more difficult to kill even at higher levels.


Also, the difficulty you play on is important too. I found that Expert difficulty is perfect for me, fights aren't too easy and feel rewarding.

Edited by Iv000
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If dragons are to easy turn the difficult up. On masters you will need resist to survive their breath attack. I am a Dark elf so elder/ancient fire breaths are easy to survive but elder/ancient frost breath will one shot me. You will still need resist to deal with caster on master that will one shot you as well.
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Playing on Adept, at level 32, Frost Dragons are pretty tough. They're just now spawning regularly for me, along with Blood Dragons and the little plain ones.
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Yeah, but if you turn difficulty up to master then mudcrabs will also be a challenge. lol Dragons should be stronger than giants and they should be scary instead of just a nuisance :facepalm:




This is less about overall difficulty level and instead more about relative difficulty between creatures. Giants and mammoths are more difficult to kill than dragons, but I guess if they were too powerful the first dragon fight would be nearly impossible. Maybe giants and other tough creatures need to have a leveling system closer to dragons?


Dragons are more difficult for my warrior character because I have to wait until they land before I can dish out much damage, but my main character has no problem because I built up his archery skill. It literally takes 2-3 shots and they're down. [though to be fair, I have good equipment from built-up smithing and enchanting skills]

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