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The Dreaded 255


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As the title says, I have finally surpassed the number of mods the stupid hexadecimal code allows. I just need a good place to go to find a way to merge esp's. Ive seen a few but I can not seem to get them to work right. Any help would be appreciated as I have 50+ clothing mods and need them downsized if at all possible. Thanks.

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High Five! outstanding!

I don't know whether to be happy for you having so many awesome mods,


sad you reach the limit...

*whistles* thats a lotta lotta mods!

and, it was stable more or less with 254/255?


as to that merging utility...

be very careful mon ami when merging...

it can ruin your save game,

and it can be hard to condense them into the one thing...

some do not worry to put 8 or more merged,


loading times can be much increased, framerate drops,

or C2D error etc.


mods to not condense;

any door any where,

any mod any weapon,

V111 settlement mod with settlement keywords or any other settlement mod.

any weapon any fail,

keyword bases with the thing it work with

menu sorting utility etc

- on first hand experience, doing so required a fresh install...


good luck!

be sure to let folks know how you get on;

you're in uncharted waters for FO4 modding for certs.

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yea that's not totally true. Sure, you should be careful what you merge, but if you merge plugins correclty it won't affect the stability of your game or your saves.


Take the time to learn to do it right and you'll be fine.

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I'm only running 185 ESPs currently but had to merge a lot plugins for Skyrim. Generally speaking you should be able to safely merge patches and also mods in the same category. You need to use FO4Edit to look for conflicts and master file requirements before merging. Watch Elianora's video as it explains that too.


If you're using Armorsmith Extended, you can save ESPs by using Gambit's replacer plugins (just make sure you are using all of the mods needed for one of his replacers).


Finally, STEP has a great guide for all of this: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Merging_Plugins

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