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In dwemers we trust


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Now thats some serios stuff over there lol. The way the first sample was made is exactly that what i had in mind for the steam centurios. Deep, emotionless and some hall in it, like it would come from a big machine. Perfect ;)

I hope its alright if i add you mechanorm.. cause if the modding begins for real i would really like to contact you for some voice acting. In fact i would have quite a lot of lines for you. Steam centurions, a whole dwemer ruin "defence system" (talking dwemer masks like the ones that are basically everywhere in the ruins) and also some centurio that i call for now "the big one" (basically king kong sized boss dude with some seriosly epic fight that i got in mind for a quest). Thanks for your posting ;)

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I like where this is going. I really like where this is going.


I'd advise some research on Elder Scrolls lore regarding the Dwemer on the many sites that collect it, as I see has been mentioned in this thread before me. I also worry about the performance impact of many small models put together, rather than one model built specifically for its purpose. But a mod should never be abandoned just because it isn't perfectly optimized. If there's only one person on the screen using them, the effect might not even be noticeable.


I like what you've done so far, and I'll be interested in seeing where this goes. :)

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Yea... The thing with the performance is known to me. To bypass that i will provide low detail stuff for npc chars too cause they dont really care if there are 1 or2 pipes or cogs on a contraption. That will for sure not mirror in the visual effects or the performance...except the pc is pretty much old. But even then it would work..with one or two lil lags. My pc is not the best, but for now everything works without problems to say. (Made a test with 25 npcs without any lag) Edited by Basaltface
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I made a mod for FO3 and New Vegas that overhauled power armor to feel more like a piece of machinery than just another set of heavy armor with a minor stat boost. It'd be interesting to see something similar for Dwemer tech. If you want to check out the mod for ideas, or possibly collaborate on something in the future, here's a link to the New Vegas version. I'm planning to remake my needs mod first though.


Basically the mod offers a bunch of major boosts (stronger/faster/etc.) but requires you to keep your power armor charged (microfusion cells and fission batteries could be replaced by soul gems or centurion dynamo cores). To help balance it I also tracked the armor temperature, so you'd have to be careful not to abuse things like super fast sprinting or you'd overheat. Basic power armor had strength boosts roughly equivalent to vanilla, but you could upgrade your armor for better boosts by adding upgrades that could be found or purchased (there were 20+ available.)

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i have a similar idea for an armor that is basically a dwemer power armor. Heavy like s**t, slow and armored like a fortress. A steam engine on the back and basically an "exo skeleton" (made from centurion limbs) on it..so you can imagine how strong a punch is lol. It will be a pain in the a** to craft that thing cause there will be a lot of skill and parts needed XD. But if you are in it then you dont really got much issues with melee attacks and arrows..but magic will still grill you to a decent degree. I had in mind to use fire wood to power that armor up ,cause that steam engine is something that is very close to an old school locomotive. And if you run out of fire wood you will walk like you would carry too much. (for the crafting itself there will be needed dynamo cores and soul gems anyways)


I know this mod of yours very well, its one of the hand full i installed for vegas and that system is something really good. :)

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I have no direct / practical skills to help, but a few ideas about questlines.


1. To keep this from just being overpowered, it has to be the result of a difficult quest.


2. The place for making stuff needs to be remote - like, you can't just make dwemer stuff at your workbench at home, there needs to be a dwemer factory deep in one of the ruins that you can get access to and then need to get functional, and need to bring a lot of gears / parts / metals / etc . in order to create something.


3. How about a mage who has already found the place, and has devoted himself to study of it? You have a big dramatic boss fight against him and his robot minions, and then at the end fight just him with his super dwemer claw... maybe it sucks up spell mana making magic almost useless against him? Or the factory itself when active has some kind of mana repressor field?


At the end of his boss battle, he hits the destruct button... or maybe to finally defeat the neverending robot hordes you need to detroy the factory yourself... Then you need to read his journals to get the idea how to repair the factory. Maybe to stop others stealing his ideas, he has sent his various journals to remote areas, so even after you've repaired the factory you need to hunt down the "recipes" for new items to create.


4. Maybe reading his first journal opens up the NEW perk tree, "engineer". You gain skill by reading the different dwemer tomes, building stuff at the factory, etc. You can only unlock the higher level centurions and other tech by moving up to higher level perks on this new engineer tree.


( I wouldn't be surprised if this topic was planned DLC by Bethesda)

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I have no direct / practical skills to help, but a few ideas about questlines.

-snipped to save space-


I find it funny that sometimes modders will go way out of their way to make things difficult and complex because they feel it excuses something overpowered, then if the developers add the exact same thing they make it ten times simpler. (And sometimes just as overpowered.)


I'd much rather have something that's fairly easy to get and only a little overpowered, instead of something that requires a massive epic quest to get but then trivializes the entire game with its absurd power. Once you have a staff that kills everything, what's the point of even playing the game?


On the power armor, I'd want the ability to jump really high if it weren't for the fact that it would completely break most of the vanilla dungeons. (Which are designed around the player's limited jump height.)

Edited by Omnimmotus
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