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Will the Special Edition reinvigorate Skyrim Modding?


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Skyui might have been functional, but waiting for it is no reason to miss out on the hightly improved, most beautiful Skyrim that is SE.


Mods are going up every day. Yes, I agree that we may need a new generation of modders specifically for SE, but the mods I'm using all seem to be working fine:


Unofficial SE Patch

Open Cities


Wet & Cold


True Storms

Realistic Water Two

Treeslod (adds a bit more to the landscape)

Whiterun Cabin

and, yes, Sofia...who is thus far working properly (although I never used her much before).


Already SE has sufficient mods for an immersion play. I think what is currently lacking (and I have not yet checked today) are the multiple follower mods.


I demand that my followers (and I don't always use them) are not only able to ride horses but also fight from horseback. Sofia does not yet fight while mounted. And no, I'm not really interested in CH.


And IMO of course, there are many mods that can properly be classified as junk mods. If one has hundreds of mods, many are certainly junk mods. Not interested is those.


The game is gorgeous; better than my modded original. Of course everyone has their opinion.


I think that a lot of complaints revolve not so much around SE but crappy PC's or whatnot, and operator foolishness. Otherwise, why does the game work okay for some and is a disaster for others?


When SE came out it made the original obsolete.

Edited by SPH1
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to be really honest, modders who release semi functioning mods early, with fixes planned for the future isn't really surprising

Beth has released the Special Edition 5 years after the original release, and still couldn't bother fixing their own damn game

it is clear that with modding on consoles, they can now expect modders to fix their game for them, so they don't really need to bother themselves with actual testing and fixing their stuff


so when modders, who don't have people to play test their mods properly, do what the game's own developer and publisher does, can you really complain?

i really doubt that this is in any way fair towards the modding community........

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Well, most everyone already knows this. But for the few who don't...


Behippo (of the Silverlock/SKSE team) has been giving us updates about the progress of SKSE for SE. No firm date yet, but they are working on it. Even better news is that they've gotten in touch with Schlangster and the other fellow (of the SkyUI team) and have agreed to do the heavy lifting coding for SkyUI after SKSE SE is ready. Once THAT happens, then mod authors can drop the work-arounds and update the mods to be fully functional with MCM menus.


Sure, we're going to have to be patient. But the pay-off is going to be terrific. Be sure to thank Behippo and the Silverlock team for making this happen!

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