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Vampire face morph


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This topic may not belong here, but I didn't know where else to post.


I've been scouring the internet for a day looking for a mod that will truly halt the ugly sunken-cheeked, elongated chin morph that vampirism applies to my character's face, but I can't find anything that seems to actually work for me. I'm using RAN's headmesh type D.


Is there a way that *I*, as new to modding as I am, can go into the CK or something and put an end to this without giving up the fangs i installed? I do love the fangs...


thanks for any information or links, guys and gals. :)


(I'm still in the process of testing mods, so if you have any ideas, fling them my way!)

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a lot of the ugliness can be fixed by making sure your (fe)malehead.dds and (fe)malehead_msn.dds textures are copied as (fe)maleheadvampire.dds and (fe)maleheadvampire_msn.dds. there are still some minor mesh changes though. i never actually tried it but theoretically, making vampires use normal human headmeshes should work fine.


assuming your face textures are right, don't use the creation kit. just open tesvedit (from mod organizer if you use it) and load everything you have. navigate the tree on the left and find the dawnguard > races > ___racevampire entries. they may have been overwritten by another mod (usleep) but whatever. click them so the info shows up in the right pane. on the name of the farthest-right mod, right click, and select 'copy as override into...' but obviously not if the last thing is a patch like from perkus maximus or something. in that case do the one before it. anyway, scroll down and tick the 'new file' box and click 'ok'. it will add a new entry to the end with whatever stuff would be loaded into your game originally, but now you can change it without screwing up your mods. about a quarter of the way down the list you'll find the head data. just double-click it and change it from the vampire version to the mortal version for that race. do that for all the races you want to use standard headmeshes. close program, make sure ONLY the patch you made is ticked when you save. done. piece of cake.


edit: if you change a second, third, or every race, when you 'copy as override into', just select the plugin you already made. no need to make a new one. if this breaks your face or something just delete the plugin or don't load it and everything is back to normal.


another edit: just saw about the fangs. should be fine as long as you don't change the mouth.

Edited by ymf331
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