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Marriage is fun... sort of


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Seems like Bethesda takes a look at the most popular player mods from their previous games and adds them as features in the next. It's not a criticism, just an observation.


But they stop before giving it real meaning. All the small things they included are splendid ideas, regardless if a modder originally came up with it or they did it under their own steam. Problem is, nothing looks really finished. Therefore the feature comes over as rather empty and lame.

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They got me 3 times now and I do feel a bit foolish for handing them full retail price as I had not been surprised at being let down by them.

I think I learned my lesson though, next time I can wait many months before plunging in. It will save me money and wasted time.


Oh, I agree with you on pretty much everything. Another good example is bookshelves. Players made a great mod in Morrowind for organizing your books on shelves. They just popped right into place. Worked great. The bookshelf "interface" that Skyrim released with was a disaster. Fixed now, but...


I'm with you as far as buying games these days upon release. I'll just repeat what I wrote in another post: "I bought Skyrim on a whim. I hadn't played a new game in years before it. My philosophy is usually to wait for the super-duper-platinum-game-of-the-year edition with all of the patches and DLC/add-ons included for $20. It takes about a year after initial release to come out, but I'm not usually in any hurry. I broke from my habit this time and bought a new title. I was bored. But I knew to expect exactly what I got."

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Humans are social creatures, and company is everything. We all want people we can care about someone to make the game world real to us as we play through. Someone who gets our hearts racing when they drop to their knees broken and blooded. Sends us into a homicidal rage when they die.
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I agree with most of you guys. This game really has plenty of interesting features, virtually partially implemented or "work in progress" half done. You already mentioned followers, spouses are next painful example. Further more, it may seem stupid but with my necromancy I somehow expected raised bodies not to look ... you know alive, exactly the same as before just with one "mmmh" sound added, and some puff of black smoke. For example zombified face (of at least playable races) would actually be a nice touch. Further more, you can smith everything except arrows? Dialogue and smalltalk remains the same no matter what you do in the world. You destroy the rebellion and people still complaining about war, you become archmage and they still nudge you to visit mage's college etc. Many skills seem unrefined or overpowered, obviously game has not been thoroughly play tested and it was rushed. Lack of high res textures is unforgivable. If blizzard made this, it would ship one year later and it would be bloody perfect. :laugh:


But again, don't let my ranting discourage you. This game has tons of fantastic features and content, and with some time, patches, and dedicated work of our modding community it will be by far best TES ever developed. And yes, I play TESes since Daggerfall, and I wasted hundreds of hours in morrowind and every possible expansion and I know damn well what I'm talking about. It was awesome game, far ahead of it's time but it also has plenty of design issues. It was great but wasn't perfect, people seem to forget that they remember only good stuff ant that they were lot younger then.

Edited by urielseptim
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I wouldn't have missed marriage at all, hadn't they included it. But if they do, I expect it to be something actually worth doing and not just another achievement you can tick off on your list. Why would my wife keep working in a filthy mine after marrying me - I am only thane in like ... every hold in skyrim?! And let's not even get into the dialogue options you will have with your wife - I sooooooo hoped they would learn from Bioware regarding dialogues... I don't even know the person I married and I don't think I ever will!

No reason to hate the game but this is just another feature that could have offered great possibilities and instead seems rather half-a**ed

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