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Most of my mods suddenly broke? (especially SKSE?)


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The short story, is:

Despite no changes in load order, and everything having worked quite well previously, suddenly my Skyrim has broken completely and I have no idea why. CTDs as soon as I try to load any of my old save-games, a lot of mods not showing up in the MCM, a lot of scripted content just not working at all, seemingly no modded sound content playing at all, and a lot of mod content is just totally broken.



The full story is thus:

Was running a hugely modded Skyrim (255 plugins - a lot of them being custom merged ones to get around the plugin limit), but everything was running basically fine - a few crashes here and there (and some weird teleporting on new game starts from Crime, Punishment and Redemption being screwy), but nothing unmanageable.


The problem seemed as if it started after installing the Wabbajack Unleashed mod, but I can't see how that could be the cause. First I discovered I was getting an immediate CTD as soon as my save loaded, so naturally I disabled the new mod, went back to my old stable load order, and tried again. Still crashed. Then I discovered that all of my saves (or at least all the ones from that load-order) were crashing the same way, so I decided to try starting a new game. Doing so got me a whole load of immediate error messages claiming that SKSE wasn't installed.


I tried reinstalling SKSE. The old saves were still crashing, but it seemed as if starting a new game was working now. Eventually I noticed, though, that a lot of mods were missing from the MCM (e.g. Animations, Bathing, Better Vampires, Immersive Horses just off the top of my head, but a whole lot of others too), and a lot of scripted content wasn't working (e.g. clicking the "Feed" button as a Vampire resulted in nothing happening). It also seemed like most modded sounds weren't playing (custom music seemed to work, but none of the sounds from Immersive Sounds were working at all, making combat almost completely silent). In addition to that, a lot of mod content seemed to be just broken - statics missing, activators not activating, NPCs not talking, and so on.


To give an example of one of the worst examples, the front entrance of the Dragonborn Gallery from the Legacy mod now looks like this: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/245836711538173117/39EF3DFB8A9397D340FEE5C92E21C29971CEED07/


So the next thing I tried was to disable every mod and start a new game and see what was happening. With only Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, the official DLC and the Unofficial Patch, everything seemed to work fine. If I additionally enabled SkyUI and just one of the mods that wasn't showing up on MCM, I'd get the same problems. It mostly seemed as if it was always the same mods either appearing or not appearing (although I think I once managed to get Animations appearing after having not done so previously). I've also tried using the "setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1" console command to update the MCM but it didn't seem to have any effect.



Besides installing the Wabbajack mod (and I've tried fully uninstalling it rather than just disabling it, but that made no difference), the only other thing I've done recently that I can think of is making a few tweaks to the ini in order to make sure some archives were registered. Have tried reverting those ini changes and even deleting the ini and generating a fresh one, but neither made any difference.


Am totally out of ideas as to what the hell has gone wrong or what I should try next, so any help or suggestions would be really appreciated!

Have attached my full load order below for completion's sake, but I don't know if that'll be any help, since it was working fine previously, and even with just a couple of mods enabled I'm getting the same problems.

EDIT: Oops, attached the wrong load order. Have changed it to the correct one now instead.

EDIT2: Having reinstalled SKSE, the old save-game that was crashing now loads but is broken in the same ways as the new games

Edited by Baldamundo
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i think the problem is that you're loading 430 plugins, albeit mashed together to lower the number, but you made no mention of 'well i checked the records out for that area and the only conflicts are...'


probably should spend a couple weeks working on patches

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i think the problem is that you're loading 430 plugins, albeit mashed together to lower the number, but you made no mention of 'well i checked the records out for that area and the only conflicts are...'


probably should spend a couple weeks working on patches

I already spent ages working on patches and the like, and afaik there should be no conflicts currently (or no significant conflicts). Regardless, the present load order was working perfectly well for a few weeks before suddenly breaking. And the issues are now present even if I only enable a handful of plugins (e.g. the official DLC + unofficial patch + SkyUI + for example Bathing in Skyrim). So I don't really see how incompatibility between the huge number of mods could possibly be the issue here?


Surely that points to the problem being something like the ini or SKSE or similar that operates independent of the particular plugins?

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SKSE isn't presay a Mod it's a Script Extender & I sincerely doubt that you broke it, unless it getting overwritten, then I would throw that Mod in the Bin & advertise it to the world, since it seriously needs to go on the Bad Mod List. Which I doubt is happening.


Anywho how can you be running so many Mods while having no idea how it all works? Also Mods interact weirdly & in totally unexpected & unexplainable way with each other.


I get feeling you'll disagree since you know better?


Riddle me this Batman, How many Mods can you install with Steam to TESV.exe Folder, then launchers before the Game when you use the Steam Vanilla Skyrim Game Launcher? Or create a special short cut for, for those who feel they need more control over the situation?

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Okay, what the f*#@. After a bit of further experimentation it seems as if the problem is that something went and caused havoc in my data files. Like it's left all the .esp files perfectly intact (as well as the bsas, I think?), but half of the loose data files (e.g. sounds, meshes, etc etc) have just gone walkabout. Manually reinstalling the data files for the broken mods seems to fix them. So it looks like I have a fairly straightforward (if protracted and tedious) solution, but still no clue as to wtf managed to actually cause this in the first place :huh:

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