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Special Edition & Original Mods?


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Hi all,


So i was wondering what are the chance of the mods i already have on the original game working on this new special edition? My main though would be they would cause issue and have a performance impact as the mods were built for a 32bit version of the game while the new special edition is 64bit. would this not cause issues? the 32bit mods would still only be able to use no more than 4GB of ram while the game can now use more.


Assuming the mods would be compatible i have another question. I have around 40 mods, most of them are tweaks to the way the game works or adds new content in. However some of the mods are for weather, lighting, textures and adding more flora. would these work, and would they be worth it if they do?


My lighting mod is also used along side an ENB. but the special edition has new lighting and shading, as well as a depth of field. So would using my mods actually make much of a difference here?


Not sure if this is true but im sure i read that the weather has also been recreated, so would this leave any weather mods broken?


As for texture mods i have use the Skyrim 2K texture pack and i play in 4K. would i still need this texture pack as the special edition has higher resolution textures.


And final i use a flora mod that adds in more trees, grass, plants ect. from what i have seen of some videos looks like this special edition version has added some minor detail with extra flora not much but some. would this cause issues if trying to use a mod that affects the original flora?


Im not sure if these questions can be answered yet or if the answers would be just guess work, but im interested to see what people think.

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I think mods that only adds textures will be compatible with SSE.Mods without skse dependency will be compatible after porting them with CK 64 bit if ofc modders are active.skse dependant mods well this is a big question mark about that.SSE in practice is like skyrim with enb but with 64 bit exe.


Anyways knowing how bethesda works dont expect a big changes only some things that u will barely notice

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It won't be quite as simple as just copying the files into the SE data folders.


Mods that have plugins (esp, esm files) will need to be converted by running them through the new CK and saving as 64-bit versions. You can do that yourself or wait for the author to do it.


Mods that have files packed into bsa archives will need to be unpacked and, optionally, re-packed into a new format. Again, you can do this yourself or wait for the author to do it.


Mods that have scripts will need to be recompiled in the new CK as 64-bit PEX and that will presumably need the original source code (psc files) which in some cases the author may not have published. If you have the source code, however, you can try doing it yourself.


The hope is that if you do all that, the mods will work and there won't be any new bugs introduced. Testing and troubleshooting might be fraught, however, until the community gains experience with the new edition and its CK.


Finally, mods that rely on dll files won't work at all, unless and until their authors create 64-bit versions. You can't do that yourself. This includes SKSE, HDT, ENB and so on.


I could be wrong, but I'm not expecting the new CK to be available immediately on the 28th. I base this on the fact that they announced a closed beta for the CK only a few days ago and it would seem unreasonable to expect feedback from that to be dealt with inside a week. I would like to be wrong about this, though.

Edited by OldMansBeard
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all mods will work except skse based mods skse will need major update for 64bit,lighting mods and water mods will need some work as well coz these things have received an overhaul in SSE. animation mods will work but will need conversion to newer havok fortunately bethesda has supplied a tool to convert animation to this newer havok with CK so it should be easy for animation modders to convert their mods, you can look at this thread to see what works out of the box and what needs some update work.

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I wouldn't expect scripts to need to be recompiled or bsas recreated, and based on what I have seen from Bethesda they have not suggested that will be necessary. Where is your source on that?

bsa's will need to be repacked with new CK because bethesda has changed the headers.

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