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New to Nexus (Wondering about a Fallout 3 mod)


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I am new to Nexus and probably posted this in wrong section. I was wondering about a no sexual content mod. Now I know what most of you are gonna say "Its a post apocalyptic world if you cannot handle that this game is not for you". Well it is, this part of it is just unnecessary. So if any of you can point me in the right direction or even start work on one that would be awesome.



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Well, a couple of things, my new friend. I really don't know what you mean by "no sexual content" mod. Secondly, you didn't state for which game that you are asking about. By "post apocalyptic" you probably mean one of the Fallout games. And I'm going to guess that you mean the latest Fallout which takes place in Boston. If so you would be best asking your question here: (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500) where you would best be able to get a reasonable answer. If I am wrong let me know and I can better direct you. Bonne Chance, Mon Ami.



The Rabbit

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I guess sexual content for Fallout 3 would be


1 - Nova's dialogue in megaton where she insinuates sex with the player.


2 - Dukov's place might seem a little to sexy


3 - Paradise Falls in Eulogy Jones pad insinuates those women are sex slaves


A mod to remove that sexual content may be a bit extensive and still have the game function in those area's smoothly.

But then if that needs to go ... what about all the violence ???

Edited by Mktavish
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