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Inter-race cross breeding


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Orcs & most elves have common ancestors.


Bretons according to the lore were originally humans who had been taken as slaves by the elves & over multiple generations gradually interbread with them (weather willingly or not).


There are a few examples of half breeds between various groups existing in the lore. The grey prince in oblivion was one. (Tiber Septim was also said to have knocked up one of the dark elven royals.)


The only races thought not to be able to mix with the others are Khajit & Argonian.


Biologically speaking they are just too different.

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The only races thought not to be able to mix with the others are Khajit & Argonian.


Biologically speaking they are just too different.


Yeah. Argonians breathe water. If you throw water on a Khajiit, they have a hissy fit...


(Sorry, sorry. Couldn't resist.)

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