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Bloodmoon And Tribunal strings

Guest Guest_Breck

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Guest Guest_Breck
When I long Bloodmoon & tribunal on the construction set it gives me a long list of errers. All aboute strings being diffrent in the topics menu. it dosent seem to be doing any damige to my plugins but it sucks to have to click past 20+ windows to get started werking. dose anyone have info on why its doing this. It only happens when i lode both the add-on's. Thanks!
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Try downloading and installing the patch - that should help (though I don't know because I haven't got bloodmoon yet)


AFAIK the error messages are caused by the Bloodmoon dialogue being added to the existing Morrowind & Tribunal dialogue responses...but not quite in the right place in the response list.

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The patch doesn't work? :o


That's just fabulous - I hope they fix it before I get Bloodmoon! <_<


There is a way you can correct it - if you have lots and lots of spare time and a lot of patience you can move the responses giving you the error messages to the correct places in the list.


Or you could just enabled a 'yes to all' in the .ini file....


Check this thread:


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The patch fixes certain incompatabilities between Tribunal and Bloodmoon (among other things too) IN THE GAME. The patch does not help when trying to load the three master files in the CS.


When you load Tribunal and Bloodmoon on the CS together, they recognize that they are only supposed to be responding to Morrowind.esm, not to each other. This is why the error windows appear. This should not effect your ability to MOD, and it should not mess up any MODs.

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