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Alias=item to get


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Hey guys and girls. I am doing some misc. quests in the game namely trying to return Viola Giordanos in ring but the man in the shop does not give me ring, instead I get a journal entry of Alias=item to get instead with no map marker or anything. Same with Queen Freydis sword quest. All I get a for messages is search for alias=quest item. Any help would be great. Thanks. I went to search for the sword, nothing.
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I posted a similar question (Radiant Problem) two days ago (since I have the same problem). No replies.


It has to do with the Radiant Quest System.


One question, though: What mods do you have installed?


I only have a handful and almost all are texture upgrades (Better Females, Blocky Face, Glowing Ore). The only mod I use that affects game play is Tytanis - Ult Mod. Do you have this one installed?


BTW: I don't think that there's a solution to this problem since the quest is already defined. You can, however, "complete" the quest via console commands.

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It's this crap.




I don't have the Tytanis mod, but I do have Better Sorting and I figured messing with the names of the items might have cause this but alas... deactivating doesn't fix it. Think I've tried deactivating everything that isn't just a texture replacement so far.


It's funny how the game has become consecutively more broken ever since Bethesda started patching it.

Edited by Adrius2
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or some replacer confused the engine.


Only supposition but the symptom is that of the (random) chosen item is not recognized by the game.


Should be understood than at this stage (Skyrim already has quests bugged to death and not only a few) most mods which someway change the game mechanics and or replace items or change their properties are subject to get broken by patches or conversely break the patch.


Edit to complement: Although I understand the hurry to be among the first to release certain mods, the risks involved in doing so (before the game is enough stabilized) is somewhat counter productive and the potential for conflicts is too broad.

Edited by nosisab
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or some replacer confused the engine.


Only supposition but the symptom is that of the (random) chosen item is not recognized by the game.


Should be understood than at this stage (Skyrim already has quests bugged to death and not only a few) most mods which someway change the game mechanics and or replace items or change their properties are subject to get broken by patches or conversely break the patch.


It has to be something more than this because I managed (finally) to uninstall Skyrim and Steam. Then reinstalled the game and started a new game,


The same problem happened when I met Ysolda who wanted a mammoth tusk.


I just used the console to finish the quest (setstage favor110 20) but I didn't get any reward. Oh well...

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Reverting to the 1.1 patch, uninstalling all mods + starting a new game did the trick for me... now the radiant quests seem to be working again.




You wouldn't happen to have True Darker Dungeons enabled would you? Seems that one was causing my problems.

Edited by Adrius2
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