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The WORST Game Ever


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Well, Blizzard should be congratulated for one thing at least, namely creating one of the greatest sources for self-righteousness we've ever observed. Were prejudice and unwillingness to confront them can and will be readibly accepted for fact. That's quite an achievement, indeed! :biggrin:


Incidently, a while ago, I decided to put on my parachute, dip my face in camo-paint and airdrop myself into Warhammer Online. I really like the boardgame and the strange, very unfriendly world it portrays, and got intruiged when the MMO was announced. Of course, this was back in some more optimistic days than ours, when AoC, WAR and LotR-online all seemed to have a very good shot at collectively dethrone the caliph and install the most worthy among themselves instead, before the announcement of a MMO based off a game-franchise made me conjure images of stagnate ponds.

Anyway, the Warhammer-world seemed to be a very good place for a PvP-based MMO. There's plenty of factions with plenty of reasons for genocide (ranging from justified to hilariously token) which promises alot of ripping each other's arms off. It did certainly pull that off, no question about it, but aside from the graphics, technical and aestetic, it doesn't manage much else. It just felt like it couldn't quite bring that horrific yet enrapturing hellhole of a world (Games Workshop's speciality; making you grateful every time you look out the window after a session) to life. They certainly tried, but there simply were no spark.

The gameplay was fine. The default fantasy MMO-type of gameplay (look up a screenshot of optionable fantasy MMO with the HUD on display. Now you got a good idea how the rest look), proved and forged in the furnace of comupter-generated battle.


The PvP-engagements followed the typical motion. Two opposing crowds of players charge towards each other, leaving a thin band of players with poor connection behind. The fight breaks off in little mini-battles, in an almost balletic manner. The mêlée-fellows either chased each other around in little circles or went to beat down the ranged players nearby. Then, it's all confusion and tapping abilities until one side breaks and runs off. It did work, but the most I remember from my battles is chasing two orcs, which in turn are chasing one of my colleauges, who is in turn chasing an elf in a bikini (I believe) chasing me, the bloke with the ugliest trousers. And this is the thing. It works as it should, but it doesn't feel, which is the best way to put it. I simply couldn't connect with it.

Besides from the PvP... There's not much, honestly. The quests and solo-PvE available were the regular kind, but somehow much more dreary than they usually come. I'd recommend leveling by PvP whenever you can, which I believe might have been the point. The only solo-bit I really fondly recall is when I explored the Human capital city of Altdorf, with the great squares, the monuments, the slum with sunken alleys covered in silt with ratmen lurking, the possibility to come over and have a screenshot with you and Emperor Karl Franz. This was one of the very few moments that the game glinted on the door and let me in for a brief moment. But once back in the field, I was hurled outside and the door was shut.


I once came across a review where one of the comments raguarding it was something along the lines of 'This game just... Doesn't have a soul', which I'm prepared to agree with. In my experience games do indeed have a soul, and I usually connect to it quite early on. It's an entity combined out of the atmosphere, tone and feel of the game, and connecting and exploring this phenomenom is what makes gaming worth every single second of social stigma.

Warhammer Online doesn't connect. I made a forced entry which lasted for about an hour and a half, but once the spark was snuffed out, there was nothing left for me in there except gear and stats, which I don't care for. The game works, but that's about all of it. An eternity of chasing around in a circle or standing a little distance away, trying to cast in peace. The final nail in my coffin (and perhaps my heart) was when I discovered that roleplaying was simply non-existent. All that is left is killing orcs, vikings and S&M-selves, without understanding or stimulation. This is more of my personal purgatory, a realisation that was quite horrifying.


Warhammer Online is not at all bad. It's actually quite good, if seen from a purely mechanical view. It's just what it was really ment to be; an online Warhammer-themed battle arena. It might be exactly what someone out there's looking for. But it's not for me. I can't get bast that expressionless void beneath the Orc-Human-Elf-Elf-Human-Dwarf wartime jamboree. Despite being functional, this is the worst MMO I've so far visited. Graphics and spiky gear is nothing without a heart beating beneath.

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the worst game ever? I can think of many, but I'm going to need to catergorise.


Worst premise and in game message/moral: dead or alive, all of them. Its just pornography, sexism and objectification in a shiney PS3 box. move the sticks to wave the woman on screen's tits around, no gameplay beyond that, unacceptably, laughably, patheticaly juvenile.


Worst overhype: Mass Effect, undeniably a great game, but shamelessly overhyped, and the first in the saga, though it had some excellent features, also made up for them with some towering problems. Like bad characters, awkward animation, aweful outfits, lousy combat, wooden voicing, and complete lack of facial animation and proper facial customisation.


Worst ending: Borderlands, another truly excellent game, but with such an sudden, and disapointing ending more than a few gamers got quite angry. All the way along you expect a vault containing treasure, but then you open said vault, a monster comes out, and the rest is a bossfight. and not even a good one dammit!.


Worst everything: Big Rigs, over the road racing. A prophetic title, as you'll soon be VERY over the road racing. This game has no AI, no physics, no clipping, no sound effects and the most laughable premise possible. You supposedly are to race a point to point course in a truck, but the other truck doesnt even move, and you can drive through walls and have an infinite top speed. Some of the levels dont even have textures fo gods sake!. And when finaly the "race" is over you get that infamous three-handled trophy and the words "you're winnered"


Worst sequal: Halo 2, 3, odst, reach. Simply aweful, Halo 1 was a truly brilliant game, but all its subsequent games simply ruined it more. Halo 2 was miserable, but Hale 3 was even worse, and ODST was so bad I actualy took it back to the store after the end of the 3 hour long campaign. The only game I put on par with superman 64 for general toxicness, this pathetic pile of #@%& is so bad that Im honestly tempted to make it simply "worst everything".

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I still can't get past the second level in Halo: Combat Evolved...



Lego Harry Potter anyone? I played it, and couldn't understand how to do anything in it. I ended up just clicking randomly to get stuff to work. Then again, I got the German version and I only know about 5 German words.

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I have the opposite problem in Halo.


I find it just too simple. Its got dificulty, but its cheap crass dificulty, via huge enemy dps not proper "make yer think" dificulty. But you just use two weapons, charge up a plasma pistol then shoot the enemy in the head. This may amuse children and those who even with the almost self aiming firing assists cant get headshots every time, its so dull, so grindy, and so frickin tedious I often laugh outloud when people rate halo so highly, or claim to be good at it. Because everyone is good at halo, because it does all the aiming for you, all you need to do is pull the trigger while circle strafing. Its that simple.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From my own personal experience... two games made my list of worse.. FF7 for PC after installing it... Legit CD not some hacked torrent... it overwrote my kernel32 windows corefile and totally corrupted my system.. (thank god for restore capability) a friend came over and helped me run a system restore and fixed the mess. I returned the game and never touched another FF game after that.. Second worse... Actually it was a good and fun game.... but it hated to lose... Masters of Orion I always built huge lightly armed ships one.. maybe 2 guns.... (stellar Converters) LOL... yeah.. lightly armed... anyways.. the AI would atack with overpowered ships equipped with these super powerful advanced reactors.. sadly they had a tendency to blow up and a stellar converter.. instant boom... and massive chain reation explosions,after half the enemy fleet was blown to bits... the AI would crash and the game would freeze... I'd have to exit the game... no win... bummer...
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ET.....Why couldn't he just make a movie?


What is the name of the game where you fly around as a Mosquito Biting people?Because that game suked. The Jaws game was pretty bad too. It was fun at first, but then quite monotnous(sp?)


The mosquito game was Mr. Mosquito

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  • 1 month later...

my worst game ever :


- Turning point : Fall of Liberty ,got fooled by the adverd.they really makes me believe this is somekind modern setting of WW II FPS.can't blame anyone tough,bought it from bargain bin for 13$ =P

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What's with the huge time gaps in the posts? Well, since this has been put back up...




Not my review. I'm usually very tolerant when it comes to playing video games. I carefully pick what games I get and for most part enjoy myself. Just like movies. But then there are some just terrible games that make me gag. I hope my good friend never reads this (got it as a present,) but this seriously was not a good game.

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