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The WORST Game Ever


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My new worst 5 are:


5: Mass Effect Two: a shamefully obvious cash in that fooled so many people I almost cry. Bioware simply made a sequal because a lot of people bought the first one. They dont actualy care about the game, it's storyline, or the people who play it, because to a developement studio like bioware, you're just livestock with a wallet full of cash, cash that they want.


Gameplay ias sinfully bad. The combat is basicaly third person Halo, and that means, absolute rubbish. The world is like everything in this game, skin deep charm. It's got sparkly things everywhere but when you step closer the sparkly things dont actualy do anything other than sparkle. if you like twilight esque nonplots, are a simpleton, or are just extremely easy to amuse, this game is for you. Otherwise, you'd have more fun watching paint dry, it's certain got more soul, CMON BLUE TIN, GO FOR GLORY!


4: Just Cause Two: Abhorrent on console and even worse on PC. This CTD ridden, enjoyment deprived, five second long lump of somethingn unmentionable and smelly has fewer redeeming features than a satanist. The whole storyline revolves around... well actualy it doesnt have one, not a coherent one anyway. You got to a tropical island, kill the president, and leave. That's about it. Oh, and before you can kill him you've got to spend 3 hours running errands for local criminals for some reason. I mean, wtf? You've got a sniper rifle, you've got a nation on the brink, why not just end it now with a bullet in the presidenty's brain and save us the agony of playing the obcenely unenjoyable game? MEH!


It's biggest faults are the controls and the balance. The controls go beyond bad, this game is a shameless console port, on PC, you'll often be told "saving, please do not turn of your Xbox 360 console" ON PC GOD DAMMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The game isnt even properly designed to run on PC. It CTDs frequently, has a terrible framerate even on a monster PC like mine, and the graphics and effects are simply aweful. It's other proble is combat. It's entirely reliant on a lock-on system, the most hopeless lock on systen in all gaming to be precise. If you use it, you'll miss. If you ignore it, it will wrench your aim off target. It's like trying to fire a sniper rifle while a toddler tries to put you off target.


3: Aliens VS Predator(2010) This game is bad. laughably bad. Because it relies entirely on it's stealth mechanics, but those are broken. As a predator, you can be detected by Marines even through walls, being stationary doesnt help either, or waiting for them to come to you, they can see right through the cloak at a huge distance. As an Alien xenomorph you're even less lucky. You've got stealth as long as you're in shadows, and are helpless one on one even against a Marine. The problem with the Xenomorph is in the movies she relies on predatory cunning and guile. I have cunning and merciless killer instinct in spades, but Im given NONE of the clever options she gets in the movies.


Even when, silent, I creep up and shut off power, plunging the room into absolute total pitch blackness, Marines can still see me even through the wall while I'm stationry, even when I'm on the ceiling! It's a stealth game, but the victims are basicaly the "psychic" guards from Oblivion. If you so much as twitch, they all instantly detect you and you're useless. This game ruins itself in another way too. The other issue is that the melee system is hoplelessly simple. I picked it up in 5 minutes to the point that I could beat the final boss of the Predator campaign on Nightmare. Short, simplistic and broken in every pixel. Shameful.


2:, the runner up! Halo: 3, ODST. This game is so bad it's pathetic. Worse even than AVP, this miserable little failure of quality and design and epic success of cold cynical marketing is easily my #2 worst ever game. The problem is, even worse than games like WOW, ODST is a font for false arrogance. The "campaign" is about 3 hours long in 3 and about 1 1/2 hours long in ODST. The multiplayer is even worse. In Halo only two weapons are actualy worthy of use, the plasma pistol and the solid slug pistol. Dual wielded you can beat anyone regardless of their level of "skill" because the game automaticaly aims for the head with unerring expertise.


It's a lock on shooter but it LOOKS like a first person shooter just enough that the entire community are a bunch of either whiny kids who shouldnt be playing it anyway, or a bunch of adults who act like whiney kids.




Why? EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me start at the begining. It had a great beging, formerly DC online, cryptic's detritus of an MMO started out great. With an excellent character creation suite, and good power choice freedom. But then the trouble began. You see, first the server got unreliable and they didnt bother fixing it. Then it got worse, and worse, and then it only ran in one two days. And they never did a major patch of what needed fixing.


This game is a sad ruined testiment to what happens when a devteam leaves an MMO to die. You see, this was just a fundraiser. The moment STO was shcedualed as in it;s prerelease phase, the entire CO devteam upped and left. The game went 3 months without a patch in unplayable condition. At the point they left it was so unreliable most consumers didnt even bother logging in, and some of the shardservers were so glitched that they were cordoned off by wary users. What's more, it was hideously unbalanced. Since launch "FOTM" had been a problem, players simply making their character out of what was the "in vogue" of that exact moment. A few real hardcores existed, myself, the infamously heartless Vindekarre, and my guild, were some of them.


You see, those few who actualy learned how to use a single powerset well, COH style, were rewarded by being so badass as to be invincible. The Space Marines, my guild, and I, became infamous for our "Space Marines baby!" tradition of being able to beat any dungeon, I was the scout, and the only non marine themed character at the time I played, and I had the second highest DPS in the guild, I was unbeaten in PVP, being level capped and not only too fast for a melee user to catch, but also able to root, snare, and rain down boss-equalling hails of gunfire(I had basicaly a one-in-two crit chance and a vast crit modifier, made me unbeatable) The balance was ruined by idiots using the FOTM mismatch build for everything, not just pvp, which meant that finding a competant group was impossible.


Even worse, the patch that finaly arrived after 3 months didnt actualy fix anything. I quit on a high, being one of the few left who had done every raid successfuly without dying, and who was one of the game's only unbeaten duelists. Nonetheless, this game was recently wholely abandoned, thankfully, but the shell of it stands: when a game dev uses then backstabs their community, this is the result.


Because at the end, when Cryptic left, there was just two GMs for the entire community, and vigilante justice reined. With my combat prowess(I have never seen anyone else one-shot a player in an MMO :) ) I was in a position of power, my guild got a bit infamous because we were a bit like an outlaw band in a western. A huge force of people played as animals and acted like animals-we shot those people, and the fact that we could player-kill almost anyone without losses, let alone LIKED to player-kill the idiots who angered us, made us an infamous force on the shards we frequented.


And nothing could be done about it either-we had the guns, we were the Space Marines, our word was final because we could, as a group, punch like Chuck Norris. And thats now how gaming should be. Vigilante law is bad enough IRW, but when you've got a group of late teen players with guns able to enforce their ideas on a whole shard through killing players, thats bad. very bad.

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Okay. I seriously LOLed at your #1 because of all the exclamation marks and caps. Never expected that from someone such as yourself. [EDIT] And now it is PINK! lol again.


You also forgot terrible VAing for Just Cause 2. I don't know how you overlooked that when talking about Mass Effect. Just Cause 2's voice acting is downright offending and incredibly forced. But I still played 'till a perfect 1000 gamerpoints anyway.


I'm going to have to argue against you for Halo multiplayer. There is no way you can beat everyone with only a plasma pistol and standard pistol. PP is only good for overcharge in Halo 3 and the magnum has extremely limited fire rate and no scope. This is not a game one can be a "one man army" in...Halo is an incredibly team oriented game where as of Halo 3, there is no #1 weapon. The BR allows one to defend him or herself at many ranges, but it is far from being the best in every situation. A strong sniper can take out a poor strafer and the shotgun or mauler will kill at point blank range.


Dual Wielding is often seen as a joke by most hardcore players because you don't actually get double the power. It does some more damage (especially with the right combinations,) but even then against an assault rifle, you won't win by much. The only dual gun that can headshot is the magnum, and even with two I doubt you'll be able to last long with its limited clip and 5 shot killing power. Even if you kill the guy, you will need to basically land a perfect series of shots or reload and die.


Also, is it fair that we classify a game as bad simply because the community is bad? The company basically has no control over who buys their product any more. Ratings do nothing.

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Okay. I seriously LOLed at your #1 because of all the exclamation marks and caps. Never expected that from someone such as yourself. [EDIT] And now it is PINK! lol again.


You also forgot terrible VAing for Just Cause 2. I don't know how you overlooked that when talking about Mass Effect. Just Cause 2's voice acting is downright offending and incredibly forced. But I still played 'till a perfect 1000 gamerpoints anyway.


I'm going to have to argue against you for Halo multiplayer. There is no way you can beat everyone with only a plasma pistol and standard pistol. PP is only good for overcharge in Halo 3 and the magnum has extremely limited fire rate and no scope. This is not a game one can be a "one man army" in...Halo is an incredibly team oriented game where as of Halo 3, there is no #1 weapon. The BR allows one to defend him or herself at many ranges, but it is far from being the best in every situation. A strong sniper can take out a poor strafer and the shotgun or mauler will kill at point blank range.


Dual Wielding is often seen as a joke by most hardcore players because you don't actually get double the power. It does some more damage (especially with the right combinations,) but even then against an assault rifle, you won't win by much. The only dual gun that can headshot is the magnum, and even with two I doubt you'll be able to last long with its limited clip and 5 shot killing power. Even if you kill the guy, you will need to basically land a perfect series of shots or reload and die.


Also, is it fair that we classify a game as bad simply because the community is bad? The company basically has no control over who buys their product any more. Ratings do nothing.


True, but they could atleast have done something about the aweful community behavior. Im currently sitting at 0/5 rep on my Xboxlive profile after this. Close to 20,000 achievment point, but I've got 100% avoids. Why? I win too much, and the swearing is total. Bungie, erm, I mean 343 studios should have atleast put in some way to prevent them acting like such jerks. And they ragequit every darn game. I never did see a full match where not one person quit. I didnt play this for long, but the horrid community, and the fact that your only method of managing said is to mute them(not enough) made it unplayable for me.

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100% avoid? Do you have NO friends? Go make some. Enter a party chat and ignore everyone else. But yes, unfortunately, that is the crappy thing about Microsoft's reputation system. You are expected to be good. People will only go over to your reputation profile if you do something bad, or if they just feel plain mean. You'd have to do something amazingly good to make strangers put a "like" on your profile. Or prefer. Whatever.


As far as community behavior in-game goes, Bungie basically has no control of that. Obviously, it is impossible for them to monitor each and every little game people play. It is simply impractical. Over a million games of Halo 3 (as I last checked) are played a day. But Bungie has done something at least for those without a sense of justice; after all, the Bungie guys are the most fun-loving, caring video game company I know. While Bungie can't ban people from playing LIVE period (it is Microsoft's job to ban people from LIVE itself), Bungie only bans people from matchmaking for:


-Manipulating network conditions to give yourself an advantage, or to the detriment of the experience for other players.

-Modifying your Xbox 360 hardware or Bungie software and services in any way.

-Skill or EXP Boosting, deleveling, cheating, habitual quitting or any other type of unsociable and unsportsmanlike behavior.

-Impersonating a Bungie employee on Xbox LIVE with intent to defraud or cause harm to other players.


Taken from Bungie.net's info on the "Banhammer."


Again, impractical to find and hunt down every person that acts like a jerk. Impossible. But there are a bunch of Microsoft employees who regularly play games and ban such users. And no, the "your voice needs to be this low" voice filterer will never cut it. But if you and your science fiction knowledge go far and beyond to create a voice recognition system that works in 16 player lobbies where everyone is hollering and screaming sprinkled with a bit of random gun fire...well, I'll bow down to you.

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We are a bunch of whiney brats.


Those first pioneering video gamers though, they REALLY suffured from bad games. You ever played ET the extraterrestrial? what about Aquaman? or Superman 64? now THOSE are bad :laugh:


Actualy I really hope to Hel you dont have to play those..

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We are a bunch of whiney brats.


Those first pioneering video gamers though, they REALLY suffured from bad games. You ever played ET the extraterrestrial? what about Aquaman? or Superman 64? now THOSE are bad :laugh:


Actualy I really hope to Hel you dont have to play those..


A lot of people are. Nobody likes losing, and there is nothing to stop these people from being a-holes. You're talking over the Internet. Make a mistake, and it is easy as a few clicks to assume a new identity and put such things in the past. It sucks, and is the biggest downside of online gaming. I wish it could just go away, and you're right about it.


Oh, and I've never played those. I heard they were bad and as a result, never played them. Ever. Superman 64 is already a huge joke and is basically the first thing that comes to mind when people think "bad games." But yes, everyone had to start somewhere. :)




Yep, very helpful. Most helpful when you need to take down overshields.


Let's just not judge games based on the communities they have; we should be pointing at the developers and the mistakes they made. Devs now days can't really help who plays their games. To me, a good or bad video game topic isn't analogous to a recommendation topic.

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I'm not sure there are any games I actually hate.... Except maybe Glover. *shivers*


There are quite a few I don't care much for. An overview of these would be Soul Calibur IV, any Sonic game after SA2, Final Fantasies 7, 8 and 10 (I'd say 13, but since I do not actually have a PS3, that would be unfair of me...), educational Mario games and the ill-fated Superman 64.


If I haven't already raised the cockles of the fan boys out there, I will go ahead and add the newer version of Conker's Bad Fur Day. The original wasn't fantastic, but nothing deserved that. :c

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