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The WORST Game Ever


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I haven't played that many bad games, but I found F1 2001 pretty boring. It was one of my first games for PS2.


Also, avoid Gothic 4. I downloaded the demo for Xbox360 and it sucked so badly! The graphics and voice acting were both horrid, but below all (can you say that?) was the gameplay and controls. They were completely messed up! I can't find the words to describe them, so you'll just have to try it yourself.


I usually don't think that specific games should only be on PC or consoles. For instance how people say Tekken or FF shouldn't be on Xbox, but even though Gothic is a respected RPG series (in Europe anyway), Gothic + consoles = No, please no!

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WarHammer 40,000 is an exceptioanly dark universe. It's set in the jaded 41st millenium. Humanity is portrayed as a sprawling interstellar empire, so old it cant remember it's own history or why it's fighting, save that since time immemorial, the only truth in the galaxy have been War, Death, and The Emperor.


This, combined with a common gothic horror theme, and that the most moral "good-guys" faction is a brutal, authoritarian oligarchy, who's only real ambition is intersteller genocide of all alien races, make for one of the darkest, grimmest science fiction universes around at the moment.


And the last few games have done that just perfectly right. Dawn Of War II did it best on the world known only as Meridian. Meridian is one of a vast number of Hive-Worlds. These are where the majority of the human civilian population shelters from the constant total war that has gone on for the last ten thousand year. It's a beautiful but gloomy place. Vast skyscrapers fill the sky on every angle, styled like gothic cathedrals, with gargoyles glaring from every oriface and red Imperial war banners fluttering in the polluted breeze. It's sky is just a permanent mat of polution. It's never sunny below a certain point on Meridian, the toxic gases form into layers that no sun can penetrate. it's a horrible dark place, but the archetecture and attention to detail is just stunning. Dawn Of War and Dawn of War II are two of the finest games ever.


Fire Warrior was one of the worst games however. The ugly duckling of WarHammer 40k. Fire Warrior really wasnt too bad on it's own merits as a shooter, however it's the sacreligious plot that makes it so bad,


The reader's point of view in WarHammer has always been the humans. It's a very deliberate thing-all writers write humans because that's integral to the atmosphere of fear, hatred, and xenophobia that's in turn integral to the dark, gloomy 40K storylines. So naturaly their first mistake is to force you to play as an Alien. Alien has a diferent meaning in 40K. Humanity has only ever been attacked by alien races, so the Empire(humans) hate them with religious zeal and even formed a number of specialist agencies just to hunt and kill them.


The second mistake was making the game centre around the Tau. The Tau are probably the game's least popular faction. For the most part people see them as a cheap knockoff of the story's heroes, the Space Marines, but without the charm and charisma, or the Marine's diversity(almost anyone could find a Chapter(a marine regiment, each has a diferent history, theme, and armour) they liked) The whole bloody game was about fighting through endless coridors against the story's most poipular factions and characters.


Not only that, but as the blue freaks themselves for gods sake. Games Workshop spent every year since 1986 making the humans seem like the honest and just faction, and the aliens seem like monsters. Throwing you, as an alien, against the player's beloved Imperium Of Humanity was utter sacrelige. Doing it in such a corny, unimaginative clone of a game was simply heretical.

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After Skimming through 20+ pages, I have the following obervations:


1.) What exactly makes a game a "worst game" to begin with? Is it simply poor gameplay, poor storyline, or simply raising your expectations? It is easy to release a half-complete game onto the market, there is no law that says you need to make said game fully functional.



E.T.: Given that this game is credited with nearly destroying the industry, and that many copies of this game were buried in the desert, shouldn't most consumers know by now not to buy a game based off a movie? Seriously, when was there ever a decent game based on a movie tie-in, or a good movie based on a game?

Truckers: Truckers wasn't something meant to have mass appeal. Should it be considered bad just because it only appeals to a handful of people?


Superman64: Worst N64 game ever, possibly the reason there hasn't been a Superman game released since.


Wow: Blizzard made a game that appealed to the ever growing "casual" segment of the market. This game alone makes up half of their revenue. Should we really fault Blizzard on an idea that has not only appealed to their 10 million subscribers, but has also become profitable?


IMO, the worst games are ones that are either highly publicized, or come from a long franchise of successful games. Another factor would be the subject matter or premise of the game. Here are a few I didn't see mentioned:



Worst Hentai Game:Water Closet

Worst PS3 Game: Final Fantasy XIII(The game practically played itself, and the storyline was just retarded and annoying).

Worst multi-player game: Warcraft 3(The single player campaign was fun, but leveling up a hero each game became quite annoying.)

Worst 80s PC Game: General Custer's Revenge

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For me, it'd probably be Saints Row 2. Here are my reasons:


Driving - Since when has a car managed to perform a 90 degree turn at 80mph without flipping or crashing? The cars also don't seem to have a very high max speed.


Gun fights - The gun fighting is pathetic. You shoot someone and all they do is stand there trying to fire until they drop dead, not even looking for cover.


Graphics - The graphics look similar to a Simpsons game from the PS2. They look a child was in-charge of making them.


Storyline - The story of the game is poor as well. And, just like GTA: San Andreas, you play as a gang leader/member who somehow manages to win fights against a military organization who are infinitely more powerful.


Music - So much dull and old music. Not enough choice.

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You're dead right Eagle, it was rubbish in so many ways.


And the DLC was even worse. It was simply an advert for Red Faction(even worse than SR2, same engine and dynamics) that you were expected to pay for.


Now, "make your own fun" games are one of my favorite genres. But to be honest, if you want "make your own fun" try Halo Reach, Half-Life 1/2, Dues Ex or Devil May Cry, they're all superb, if at times goofy, and both have much better fun in the sandbox than so called open world games like the pathetic Saints Row or GTA.


I mean, what other game would you spend half an hour turning a "Wart Hog" jeep into a tank using bits of scrap metal? or three hours making a giant cannon that launch humongous golf balls? well it aint Saints or GTA.

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red fraction 2 sucks.....i should know cause ive go it for the ps2

also i hereby submit "attack of the saucerman"(g-rated third persion shooter esk game) once again i have a copy :wacko: .... dont blaim me... i was given it


offtopic; why do people juge things theye havent experanced for them selves(eg games) as being bad by what people say about them?

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I would say any video game based on a movie is terrible. Mostly because the game maker wants you to have the same story as the movie which can be really not the funnest story. I dont know why but every movie based game I played was horrible.
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