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The WORST Game Ever


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i didnt mention legend now did i ?

in fact angel of darknes is half way decent its predecssors

the first five games which are tomb raider 1 withknobs on and the same tired game engine gamemechanics game play and crap controls those are the god awfull ones

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I'm probably going to catch some flak for this but here goes...How about Deus Ex: Invisible War?

I'd certainly say this is a top candidate for the worst sequel ever... To tell the truth, I only played the demo, but my complete disappointment in it left an ill taste in my mouth for months. Such a fantastic game spawned a completely unworthy sequel (obviously suffering from consolitis). Very sad.

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Oh god, Vampire Rain really makes me shudder. How in the world can you make a bad vampire game? Just ask the makers of this horrid excuse for a play-by-play. It's like Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six had an unholy child, and all the good parts of those games were removed. BTW, I never did get why the rain had anything to do with the vampires, probably just because I quit when my head started hurting.
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Oh god, Vampire Rain really makes me shudder. How in the world can you make a bad vampire game? Just ask the makers of this horrid excuse for a play-by-play. It's like Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six had an unholy child, and all the good parts of those games were removed. BTW, I never did get why the rain had anything to do with the vampires, probably just because I quit when my head started hurting.



Thats the thing, i dont even like vampires at all. My friend forced me to play it, got to the first enemy,and turned it off.


its that bad.

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I heard that vampire rain was also insanely difficult. You can't make a terrible console game and then expect people to play it when it's extremely difficult. Let's just say some would call it the last thread on a very thin rope. Oh yeah, with santa clause tied to one end of the rope.
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