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The WORST Game Ever


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Worst game... I can't help but think about Breed. It's AI is enough to make you want to snap the game disks.




Carth Onasi

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The weapon selection was reduced in the second game as well. You had a:Shock prod, Shotgun, Sniper rifle, Rocket Launcher, Pistol, (Various melee weapons), Flamethrower, and SMG(I think thats all, but I may have forgotten something.) In the original, you had: Shock prod, 2 types of shotguns, Sniper rifle, Gep gun(rocket launcher), Flamethrower, Crossbow, 2 types of Pistols, (Various melee weapons), Assault rifle(SMG),and LAW(One-shot and very powerful rocket launcher). I will concede that IW had a superior selection of various grenade and wall-mine types. I had lots of fun with them.

From what I remember these were the weapons. Stun baton, shock prod, 3 kinds of pistols, standard, merc, assassin. Standard had a flashlight attachment, merc had an infared light that didn't alert living targets but bots would light you up like a cristmas tree, and assassin had a scope. Sword and dragon tooth sword, shotgun, bolt caster, hellfire bolt caster, SMG, widowmaker (modified SMG), sniper rifle, combat knife, assassin knife, rocket launcher, mag rail, spider bots, assorted mines/grenades, and I could be wrong but I think there was a chaingun. I don't remember if there was a flame thrower or not but if there was I probably never used it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Blues Brothers was a pretty terrible game. A terrible idea for a game too, no less. Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22 was a horrible game. The Conker game for gameboy (I forget the name..But you had to go collect his birthday presents) sucked.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout for the Playstation. Aside from it being created after a crappy anime, the game itself was horrible. The control response was slow, the fighting was slow, the graphics, even for the time were terrible. The only reason anyone had a hardon for the game was because it was Dragonball and it was super rare, at least up until it was re-released in 04.


There was also a terrible vampire game released for the PC. You could pick what clan you had "joined" and it used that to base what powers you could get and use. I could only stand about 15 minutes of it because everything about it was garbage. I think it's a blessing that I can't remember what it was.



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E.T. for the Atari aside (my stepfather actually bought that POS for my younger sister, and she's still got her complete set of Atari & cartridges in storage), the worst PC game I ever bought, played, and was disgusted by was Alien Logic: A Skyrealms of Jorune Adventure.


Jorune was a very novel concept in pen/paper RPG when it came out, and I had a buddy run a brief campagn of it that I seriously enjoyed, so when the PC game was released I snapped it up... and got madder than hell when the program included a fatal error (eventually corrected by a patch) that would freeze up (requiring a complete reboot), and the gameplay essentially consisted of three minigames... the combat was just side-scroller... it was a total waste of my $15, and 20+ hours of my life.

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