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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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It's very appreciated AdenYeshua... if I were being paid, that would suffice! As it is, encouragement helps keep me going, heh.


92. (v3.0) "Rescue the Queen": Looting the key off Howe before triggering his death cutscene would leave a permanent plot marker on Howe's body.



A step back to the Redcliffe section:


42. (v3.0) Various fixes to approval changes in Isolde's dialogue when confronting Connor that would either not be applied properly or were applied to party members that were not in the party at the time.



In the Circle Tower:


15. (v3.0) When talking with Cullen and Sten objects to your intent to spare the mages, successfully persuading Sten that "it isn't that simple" will now reduce the approval loss suffered.

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All right, I think I've finally gotten through the dialogues in the Alienage. Forget all the previous fixes listed, here's the final list:


77. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Soris in the Alienage will no longer repeatedly forget that non-city-Elves talked to Shianni.


78. (v3.0) Non-City-Elves can no longer ask Soris in the Alienage "Why shouldn't I be seen with you?" if Soris never said "You're better off not being seen with me." (which he'd only say if you refused to talk to Shianni when he asked you to - he'll now say it if you click on him again after telling him you talked to Shianni, which he would previously always forget, see previous fix).


79. (v3.0) A City Elf could only ask Soris in the Alienage "Where's Shianni?" if they'd already talked to her. The reverse is now true.


80. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": A City Elf could only ask Soris in the Alienage "What quarantine?" or "Isn't anything being done" about the plague if they already knew about the quarantine. The reverse is now true.


81. (v3.0) A City Elf could only discuss the massacre with Soris if they hadn't heard about the quarantine yet.


82. (v3.0) A male City Elf that asked Soris in the Alienage "Where's Valora?" first would no longer be able to ask "Where's Nesiara?". Male city elves could not ask both Soris and Shianni about them.


83. (v3.0) Nesiara's fate will no longer change radically depending solely on who a male City Elf chooses to ask about her first.


84. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": If a non-City-Elf agreed to talk to Shianni when Soris in the Alienage asked them to, then told Soris in the Alienage what Shianni had said prior to entering the Hospice and finding the note and key, they would be unable to ask Soris "Is there some way out of the Alienage besides the gate?".


85. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": If a City-Elf that didn't take Vaughn's bribe in the Origin was told by Soris in the Alienage that their father was taken into quarantine, the flag that allowed you to ask others about this wasn't being set.


86. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": If Soris or Alarith mention the plague at all in several dialogue paths, it would create a journal entry with more information than you actually received. Journal entries will now only reflect the information you've actually gathered.


87. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Non-city elves could only ask Soris in the Alienage "What's being done about the plague" if they already knew the answer.


88. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Non city elves told about the Tevinter mages by Soris in the Alienage might not remember what they heard in later conversations or have their journal update properly, depending on the dialogue path.


89. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Fixed Alarith's and Soris in the Alienage's conversations aborting abruptly after running out of conversation options.


90. (v3.0) Soris will no longer forget telling you about his wedding.


91. (v3.0) Female city elves can now ask Shianni about Valora in their initial conversation, just as male city elves can.


92. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Talking to Caladrius, fixed an approval boost to Sten (applied whether he was in the party or not) that was meant for Wynne.


93. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Talking to Alarith, you can no longer ask "What are Tevinter healers doing here?" and similar questions after the Tevinters have been dealt with but before you've officially completed the quest by talking to Eamon.


94. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Fixed bug where, if talking to Shianni after failing to rescue the slaves in the Compound, she would only tell you she was sorry about your father if you *weren't* a city elf. The reverse is now true.


95. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Fixed Soris being excessively repetitive about asking non-city-elves to talk to Shianni.


96. (v3.0) "Rescue the Queen": City Elves only: Restored approval boost for Zevran when freeing Soris that would only be received if you didn't have the key when you first talked to him.


97. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Non-city-elves will no longer permanently lose the ability to ask Soris why he was in the dungeon depending upon the dialogue paths chosen.


98. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Fixed Shianni treating a city elf warden who accepted Vaughan's bribe with more warmth than warranted in a couple of dialogue paths.


99. (v3.0) "Unrest in the Alienage": Shianni will no longer forget that you've talked to her about the Hospice.

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Side quest section:


23. (v3.0) "Fazzil's Request": Finding the sextant before accepting this Chanter board quest will no longer render the quest unable to be completed.



And hey, it turns out I misread the rewards.xls entry for the Grand Prize for completing all Chanter board quests - it's not just 500xp, it's also 5 gold.

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Wanted to also pipe in to say thank you for doing this. Your fixpack 2.0 is a staple for me. Modding games is nice too, but for me bugfixing is mandatory above all else. I've been combing through just about every fixpack released for DAO, ever, and your original 2.0 still covers things even the most recent modern fixpacks / dialogue fixes leave untouched. So good luck and keep going!

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Thanks Enkida :smile: The goal is to make this the only bugfix pack that's necessary.


Getting REALLY close to the end now, so I have taken a look through the other fixpack readmes I'm aware of recently (ZDF, ADP, MRP), and aside from what are supposed to be a couple of "broken" kiss cutscenes that I haven't run across myself (I did fix a couple, but apparently not all), I think I pretty much covered everything they do and a whole ton of new stuff besides. I've either already listed the fix, or it's coming up and it's already on my TODO list when I get there.


Anyone know of any other fixpack readmes I should browse through, see if I missed anything? I also found this thread:




... and while it looks like most of that bug list was a duplication of my own fixpack 2.0 (about 90%, in fact), there were a couple of other bugs listed there that it was helpful to find out about, and I got them all too.


I've finally made it through the Landsmeet! Got through the last Crime Wave quest too, Nothing left to do but go to Redcliffe for the Final Battle! I only know of two things left that I haven't already fixed ahead of time: Making sure that the right person gives the speech going into the final battle at Redcliffe (I already fixed who gives it in the coronation), and a bit I read about where some part of Denerim gets closed off during the final battle as destroyed even if you haven't been there yet or already killed the general, or something like that - I have to get there to see what I've read about.


100. (v3.0) "Crime Wave", subquest "Tears of Andraste": This subquest will now close properly in the journal when the overall Crime Wave quest is completed.


I'll have some time to work on this this weekend, so we may be less than a couple weeks from release now! Ahead of schedule, really, I didn't think I'd get this done before June, and that's despite finding a LOT more bugs and restorable content than I expected.


As a funny side note - major fixpacks for 3 of the 4 love interests, Alistair, Morrigan and Zevran, but never one for Leliana that I'm aware of, despite the fact that she had WAY more bugs than the other 3.

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Without having gone through 55 pages of discussion, there was one I found called the AA fixpack that dealt specifically with "fixing" codex entries only. Although that may have been more tweaks than fixes, I can't remember. I've only seen it discussed on a Spanish site thouh, although the pack is on the nexus. I listed all the ones I'm currently using on a thread about bugfixing right below this one; Dain and GT's rules are the two most used ones, with a few loose ends covered here and there by single fixes most everywhere else from what I see. the standalone nug quest fix is the only one I've seen dealing with nugbane that restores the whole quest, not just the crossbow.

oh, there's a whole bunch of graphic bugs I don't know if you want to cover. off the top of my head:
- wynne not in senior enchanter robes
- extra kaddis and kaddis store merchant in game files but not in game
- dwarm in arena using the wrong weapon
- elf ghosts in brec forest rendered as humans
- conner rendered as an elf in epilogue
- cured werewolves still having werewolf eyes

and stuff like that. I found most of those here:

I'll go back into my original post on the other thread, add in links, then link that back on this thread in the unlikely case it's something you haven't seen yet. hope that helps :smile:


Edit: here it is, phew, with links to nearly everything I hope


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Thanks for the list!


I did fix the Lost Nug quest completely - however, I did not restore Nugbane as a prize to the quest. Rather, Nugbane is restored as a stealable item from the Mines Commander in the Orzammar commons. I didn't add it to him, he already had it, it just couldn't be stolen because it was equipped for no discernible reason (it doesn't even make it show up graphically). Frankly I think stealing it is more of a challenge than completing Lost Nug, heh, so I'll leave it that way.


I was already planning on doing a complete review of all codex entries I failed to get at the end of the game and seeing if any were missing due to bugs. I will still do so, but when done I will check out that AA mod readme to see if I missed anything, thanks for the tip. Oh, and I did already fix/restore the 4 codex entries given by Sarel in the Dalish camp.


I don't foresee any conflicts with Dain's Fixes or Dragon Age Rules Fixpack, unless they touched player_core.ncs/nss. If someone has them installed, can they check to see if that script is included? If not, we should be good to go.


I see from the readme that Just Another Fixpack -does- touch player_core. The "fix" applied there is "Buffs are now resupplied on ressurected characters." - and I'm not sure what makes that qualify as a "fix". Most games I've ever played do not reapply buffs on resurrection. If it was touching that file to fix a bug, I'd try to apply the same fix, but from that description I'm not seeing it as qualifying. The reason I touch it is so fix the sounds when clicking on followers so that, for example, Alistair doesn't reply to a male warden with 100% approval with "My love?". That's a bug.


Unobtainable Item BUGFIX: I already mentioned how I restored Nugbane back in v2.0, and that isn't changing. Ancient elven boots were also already restored in v2.0. I deliberately do not restore the Ornamental Sword or Magic Greatsword because I think they were cut deliberately - when restored, they makes for THREE magic 2h swords in the Korkari Wilds, and virtually no consistent magic weapon drops of any other type. That seems unbalanced to me, and their being cut deliberately is more plausible to me than that kind of imbalance being intended, especially since the creature that was theoretically supposed to drop one of them had another item reward take its place.


The Unobtainables: As I entirely restore the second merchant in Haven, the Greater Elixir of Grounding Recipe and Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel are restored in my fixpack. I already plan on seeing about Botanist Map of Thedas, and seeing if I can open the necessary door to get to it in Redcliffe castle - I'm almost there in the game. I'll also take a look at the North Ward during the Final Battle as well - that one looks plausibly in the bugfix category. The rest, which are almost all gifts, I'm not sure if they'd qualify as bugs. The amount of approval you can get from gifts seems fairly balanced to me (aside from Oghren, which I fix via quests, not gifts), so the removal of those gifts was plausibly intended, but I'll give them another glance over before I do my release.


I have so far done no graphic fixes, for the same reason I'm not doing gameplay fixes, so as to not have any conflicts with those kinds of mods (aside from the possibility of conflicting on the .utc creature files - I do touch a handful of those), I am currently leaning toward avoiding them. Maybe the dwarf with the "wrong weapon" in the Proving - do we know the basis for claiming it's wrong?


I don't plan on changing the random encounter probabilities, that's a tweak, not a bugfix. Should be fully compatible though.


This single fact should help a lot in determining if a mod will be compatible: The ONLY GDA file I add is to rewards.xls. If the mod you're considering is done with all GDA's, like the rules fixpacks seem to be, there shouldn't be any issues.


I miss anything?

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Oh, yes, when I'm done, I will also take one last look and see if there are any other unimplemented items along with any quests where scripting comments say there should be a reward, and see if I can match them up in a reasonable way. Lost Nug may be such a quest, the reward just most likely won't be Nugbane ((wouldn't make sense to me anyway - the last thing that guy would want to do is *kill* nugs, they're his livelihood...).


For the "Side Quest/Other" section:


24. (v3.0) Random Encounter "Forest Incline": The camera will no longer focus on the side of a cliff wall during the Dwarf Rebel Leader's single line of dialogue.


25. (v3.0) Random Encounter "Forest Clearing": A campfire in this area that was interactive for no good reason has been deactivated.

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Incidentally, these are the creature files I've touched so far, if anyone wants to compare them to the list of creature files touched by their favorite graphic mods. In several cases I could find a way to achieve the same effects via scripting, so let me know if there's a conflict and I'll try to resolve it before release. Aside from possibly tweaking a Hurlock general in the final battle, this list probably won't change further.



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