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Which of these mods are affecting fps?


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Hey everyone,


Just a quick question about which of my mods are affecting performance. I could look this up by checking each mod page, but to be honest that seems like hard work when I could just ask y'all.


I noticed my FPS while outdoors is running at roughly 30-45, and sometimes dips to 15. I'll list my mods below, and it would be great if someone could let me know which affect performance:


Immersive Music

Immersive Sounds

Immersive Animations

Open Cities

Pumping Iron

Smoking Torches and Candles

Immersive Spells and Light


Grimy Plugin

Skyrim Community Uncapper

Unofficial Patch

Alternate Start

Auto Unequp Ammo


Convenient Horses

Deadly Dragons


Souls to Perks


Revenge of the Enemies

Follower Goes on a trip

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Immersive Citizens

Immersive Patrols

Populated Lands Roads Paths


Various Guard Outfits

aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors and Creatures

Enhanced Blood Textures

Enhanced Night

Etheral Auroras

Etheral Cosmos

No More Blocky Faces

Real Clouds

Realistic Aspen Trees

Realistic Water Two

Skygazer Constellations

Skygazer Moons

Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute

SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators


Superior Rock Textures


Watercolour for ENB

Quality World Map


Immersive HUD



Immersive Armors

Immersive Weapons

Skyrim Weapon de-larpification project

CoT Weather Patch



Get Snowy

Lanterns of Skyrim

Lightning during Thunder Storms

Moon Glow

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Shooting Stars

Splash of Rain

Supreme Storms for CoT

The Skyrim Distance Overhaul

True Storms

Unique Grasses and Groundcovers

Wet and Cold

RealVision ENB

SWIFT Loose Files (wtf is this?)


I'm pretty sure the main players are the ENB, grasses and groundcovers and the distance overhaul. But any extra info or insight would be amazing. :)


Thanks in advance,



PS: If anyone sees that list and thinks "omg why is/isn't he doing x" or something then feel free to say something! I'm not the most knowledgeable mod user.

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Thanks for the reply. My specs are:


Intel® Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz

AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series
Microsoft Windows 10 (build 14393), 64-bit
Interesting you mention open cities. This was one of few I actually did check out on the author's page and he said it doesn't really affect performance (which confused me a little). Are there any other mods you'd recommend dropping to save a few FPS (aside from the ENB, groundcovers and distance overhaul - kinda desperate to keep them)? Am I right in thinking texture packs are almost impactless on a good system?
Thanks again
Edited by Aphelion0
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textures wouldn't exactly be impactless. unless you're hooking up to a tv or something i wouldn't think there'd be a huge difference between 2k and 4k textures anyway. also it shouldn't hurt quality much to use 1k normals.


Thanks for the wise words! I didn't know the difference was so little, but I'll bear it in mind. :)

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