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Oblivion ruined Skyrim for me


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Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is truly one of the greatest games I've ever played. I'm a HUGE TES fanboy, I've logged hundreds (close to 700 now I think) of hours in Oblivion, hundreds in Morrowind, and 100+ since Skyrim came out. But for me Oblivion will always be the best game they've ever made probably because it was the game that really got me obsessed. Oblivion is the perfect game for me, and Skyrim just can't capture the same feeling. Perhaps it's just the setting, Skyrim is my least favorite country in Tamriel (and probably in all of Nirn). I guess the idea of Skyrim, the hype and mystery leading up to it was greater than the game... I just want to know if anybody else felt this way?
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I felt the same way about Morrowind and Oblivion. I stuck hundreds of hours into Morrowind (I'm a real fanboy) and just over two hundred in Oblivion. The Morrowind-setting was far greater than Oblivion's, which I found very bleak (a province of human races, yay...). I'm just glad they picked Skyrim, not Elsweyr (even tho this is human land again, yay...) but I couldn't possibly be immersed in a game full of kitties :P
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Here is an orange and here is an apple. both are fruits :biggrin:, but each is unique.


Agreed. But, sometimes it's hard to understand why you like a game, until you play a similar game and realise what's missing. So, there is still some value in comparing apples and oranges. After playing Oblivion and Skyrim, and Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, I've learnt that I prefer the landscape of Oblivion and Fallout 3. Why? Because it's flatter and less obscured. You can head off in any direction without any obstructions getting in the way. You can see the horizon most of the time, allowing you to spot distant landmarks and buildings just asking to be explored.


I'm not saying one game is better than the other, but I found exploring more enjoyable in Oblivion and Fallout 3, than their mountainous and rugged sequels.

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Although I don't share views of (too) many people who often say "Oblivion was crap, worst TES ever", it was amazing game in his own merit, but I somehow find him inferior to skyrim in many ways. Everything Oblivion did well, skyrim does better. It shares same strong point but it improves almost in every way.

Edited by urielseptim
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