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Will all the amazing mods slowly make their way to skyrim SE?


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Sorry, I personally am referring to the visual mods that can make skyrim look fantastic as opposed to great vanilla.


For textures, you can port them yourself. For enb, you will have to wait at lest two years to be like Skyrim last enbs.


Two years? Where did you hear that?

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They've always delayed the CK. Probably a good thing they actually do a public closed beta now, at least it comes out a bit less buggy (and I say, a "bit").


As far as ENB.... Well anybody been following F4 ENB? All but given up....

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  • 3 weeks later...

The bigger question ist: How many modders will modify their work to make it compatible with SSE or give permission/reply to someone else to port it...quite a few already left i guess :wink:

Any chance there will be updated tutorials from some of the modders still around, i.e. you?

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im waiting for armors honestly that have not come out and i dont think there being worked on anymore sadly enough.. i find alot of armors with have to be ether ur self if you know how, i dont, or ask for help from someone that knows how to update mods like this..

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If you have old Skyrim modded with your favourite mods that aren't on SE yet take the chance to use Skyrim SE with different mods, the ones you would have used but couldn't because of conflicts with others you were already using. For example if you had Climates of Tamriel on old Skyrim, use Vivid weathers on SE instead, or different water, different combat, try out new things. Then if you want to go back to the same ones you had on old Skyrim, either play old skyrim :) or if they become available wipe your Skyrim SE install and start again.


Having both that are seen by Nexus Mod Manager as separate games and using separate save game folders and ini files is an opportunity not to be missed to just try new things out.

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Most mods will never be ported because the authors have left the building.


I find I am missing little things like that mod which allowed me to point directly on the text with my mouse and have the right result every time. Or Ewi's Galaxy or Ren's super neat ivy or that enhanced rust colored thicket or.... the list could get too long. Wish there could be some relaxation on regulations regarding the porting of abandoned mods. It would be neat if a character mod like Cerwiden could be ported, but a facilitator beyond the missing author would be needed.

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