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To everybody whining about SSE not looking beatiful...


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The main goal of Special Edition was NOT the graphical improvement.

What Bethesda actually wanted to achieve with Special Edition was:


1. Firstly, and most importantly of all: to bring Skyrim to new generation of consoles along with mods.

So that owners of newer consoles could experience this game as well. The fact that it is coming out for PCs too is something like addition*. And that Special Edition is free for PC Legendary Edition owners is because it is THE SAME GAME, only with improved engine, which leads to the next point...


2. Secondarly, strictly related to the first: to update old Skyrim engine with newer technology in order to improve general performance and stability.

One of greatest changes here is upgrade of engine from 32-bit to 64-bit, which allows for usage of way more memory and prevents many, many crashes. This section obviously covers the graphics engine as well: it adds depth of field, improves lighting system, and many more, but ONLY SLIGHTLY improves the textures.


Additionally, it also adds few minor improvements, such as sorting saves by characters, rain occlusion, etc.


The whole point why I wrote this topic is because I am fed up with all the people complaining about "how crappy the game looks", "there's no graphical improvement", "good it was free, because nobody would buy it". It is the same game, and it never was to have greately better visuals. If you think that graphics are the most imprtant aspect of the game, then sorry, but I consider you an idiot.


Okay, I think I wrote everything I wanted to say.

Please share your opinions! :)



*What I mean is that PC was not the reason to make that remaster, we are getting in by the way.

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Well, I don't think it looks crappy :). I like Vividian ENB visuals better but nothing wrong with SE. Maybe a bit to foggy at times but yeah its cold i get it. I'm nclined to platinum the game now on stock.


If I can get better performance/solid 60fps @ 10,000 draw calls then the original (which tends to tank at 6000+), then I would of happily paid for it. But they gave freely, and I honestly feel Bethesda has done us a solid in every way.

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I wish more people on Steam used their brain like you. It wouldn't be such a shitstorm as it is.


Special Edition is a huge improvement over the regular Skyrim. I immediately noticed the amazing performance from the start and I can't wait to start modding it. Graphics I can always improve with mods, but performance is something only Bethesda can do and has done. I'm 110% happy they improved it and that alone is worth the purchase.

Edited by crimsomrider
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Well, this Nexus member spawned 5000 NPCs, but the game did not crash. If stability is all we get from the SE, it is already more than what I hoped for.

If this is true Bethesda want to be ready to Remaster the game again another 5 years because I'll still be playing it

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Well, I don't think it looks crappy :smile:. I like Vividian ENB visuals better but nothing wrong with SE. Maybe a bit to foggy at times but yeah its cold i get it. I'm nclined to platinum the game now on stock.

Well, neither do I! I think it looks nice, especially when you can see the sun rays, which are awesome!

But for me, the resolution of textures was never the most important aspect of graphics - I think that they should first of all be climatic. That is why I still love Gothic I and II so much, and I wouldn't change how they look!


I wish more people on Steam used their brain like you. It wouldn't be such a shitstorm as it is.

Heheh, thanks :P

(...) I immediately noticed the amazing performance from the start and I can't wait to start modding it. Graphics I can always improve with mods, but performance is something only Bethesda can do and has done.

You sir have just absolutely nailed it!

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Just to mention too, I am not a big fan of DOF, but I think Beth nailed it here. It's not overbearing and works at the right times.
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