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Various Nexus related things from the Skyrim SE launch aftermath


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In response to post #43786625. #43787250, #43787275, #43788380, #43790465, #43818250 are all replies on the same post.

buesi wrote: How was this not already prepared for? Ill keep using adblock until the service is better.
paralee wrote: They are doing this for free the least you can do to brighten up their day is to tunr off the adblock. PS. be greatful they exist.
Ethreon wrote: Let's not pretend for a moment he ever considered turning off adblock. Weak attempt at looking morally superior.

Anyway, I'm off to the server farm where I got a nice harvest.
chikawowwow wrote:


First thing I thought of reading the OP.

joshchapman97 wrote: what a c*%! thing to say its all for free
HadToRegister wrote:

How was this not already prepared for? Ill keep using adblock until the service is better.

It's probably all you non-paying entitled people who are using up the bandwidth for us paying members.

How's that for being an arsehole?

I'm normally someone that is placid, calm and on the 'customer is always right' side of the line... But this post is so self-entitled that it riled me up a bit!

Did you know this site is in the top 1000 on the internet? It is run by a skeleton staff of dedicated individuals, each of whom stay up throughout the launch to try their utmost in keeping the site up and running for you - despite pushing 15 Gbit of data (think of our bandwidth bill!) we managed it.

Yet your comment is all about how you are circumventing a source of income we use to better the services - thank you, it's most appreciated! :( Edited by BlindJudge
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In response to post #43786625. #43787250, #43787275, #43788380, #43790465, #43818250, #43847165 are all replies on the same post.

buesi wrote: How was this not already prepared for? Ill keep using adblock until the service is better.
paralee wrote: They are doing this for free the least you can do to brighten up their day is to tunr off the adblock. PS. be greatful they exist.
Ethreon wrote: Let's not pretend for a moment he ever considered turning off adblock. Weak attempt at looking morally superior.

Anyway, I'm off to the server farm where I got a nice harvest.
chikawowwow wrote:


First thing I thought of reading the OP.

joshchapman97 wrote: what a c*%! thing to say its all for free
HadToRegister wrote:

How was this not already prepared for? Ill keep using adblock until the service is better.

It's probably all you non-paying entitled people who are using up the bandwidth for us paying members.

How's that for being an arsehole?
BlindJudge wrote: I'm normally someone that is placid, calm and on the 'customer is always right' side of the line... But this post is so self-entitled that it riled me up a bit!

Did you know this site is in the top 1000 on the internet? It is run by a skeleton staff of dedicated individuals, each of whom stay up throughout the launch to try their utmost in keeping the site up and running for you - despite pushing 15 Gbit of data (think of our bandwidth bill!) we managed it.

Yet your comment is all about how you are circumventing a source of income we use to better the services - thank you, it's most appreciated! :(

How was this not already prepared for? Ill keep using adblock until the service is better.

Hope you get banned. Lowlife cheapas* thief! Edited by nernukka
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In response to post #43786625. #43787250, #43787275, #43788380, #43790465, #43818250 are all replies on the same post.




buesi wrote: How was this not already prepared for? Ill keep using adblock until the service is better.
paralee wrote: They are doing this for free the least you can do to brighten up their day is to tunr off the adblock. PS. be greatful they exist.
Ethreon wrote: Let's not pretend for a moment he ever considered turning off adblock. Weak attempt at looking morally superior.


Anyway, I'm off to the server farm where I got a nice harvest.

chikawowwow wrote:


First thing I thought of reading the OP.

joshchapman97 wrote: what a c*** thing to say its all for free
HadToRegister wrote:


How was this not already prepared for? Ill keep using adblock until the service is better.


It's probably all you non-paying entitled people who are using up the bandwidth for us paying members.


How's that for being an arsehole?

I'm normally someone that is placid, calm and on the 'customer is always right' side of the line... But this post is so self-entitled that it riled me up a bit!


Did you know this site is in the top 1000 on the internet? It is run by a skeleton staff of dedicated individuals, each of whom stay up throughout the launch to try their utmost in keeping the site up and running for you - despite pushing 15 Gbit of data (think of our bandwidth bill!) we managed it.


Yet your comment is all about how you are circumventing a source of income we use to better the services - thank you, it's most appreciated! :sad:


You are talking about your bandwidth bill.....


Now I have a question. I decided to pay the first time now, because of the bandwidth. What has happen? My IP is BLOCKED. I have no moderation history and it is not my firewall or anything else. I can't get access to nexusmods on 3 PC and 2 phones. Have to use an add on to change my IP. Is this the way you treat people are trying to help you?


edit: 15:21 May I get an answer on facebook or twitter. May there are other people did not know it is an IP block

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In response to post #43746270. #43746460, #43746755, #43749045, #43749835, #43752980, #43753020, #43753585, #43754830, #43757670, #43761640, #43761700, #43762280, #43762495, #43764945, #43765225, #43765555, #43765600, #43766625, #43766725, #43767325, #43767755, #43774185, #43797020, #43803900, #43819370 are all replies on the same post.

Katherynliza wrote: If anyone wants to download mods but still use the nexus manger while you can not log in.
Thank You to @Synn88 for Noticing an Error I did (I change the view & Change once and will stay changed)
Click Mod tab -->
Click on "Switch the Mod Manger Views" (Last icon listed on the left) -->
New Clean View
Go to the mod you want to download -->
Click Green Button Says " DOWNLOAD (MANUAL)" -->
Scroll Down and Click "download manually" (For the main file)-->
Click Green Button says "CONTINUE WITH MY DOWNLOAD"-->
Go into nexus mod manger -->
Go to Mod tab -->
Click plus (In top left hand corner of tab) -->
Select the file you just download -->
Wait (The mod is listed without check mark) -->
Double Click (Left of mod name) mod -->
Setup starts or Activated(Check-mark by mod)

PS If you have problems purge downloads.
CyberTao2013 wrote: God bless you
Shizane2004 wrote: Seriously....thank you....
raldi13 wrote: Actually this should work so, but he sets the mod to be installed only on the queue. When I try to install it via the blue play-button again, it's required that I log in. I find this strange because I have already downloaded the mod, I want to install it only.

Drag and drop doesn't work either...
KungPaoChicken72 wrote: thnx so much
Katherynliza wrote: Did you Double Click(Left of name) the mod?
Katherynliza wrote: Copy previous comment of " Did you Double Click(Left of name) the mod? "
caralampio wrote: This doesn't work for me. Every time I get error during installation at about 96%, happens with all mods and all games.
Katherynliza wrote: What error do you get?
Barenziah1 wrote: Thanks
GreyWolfCPD wrote: Uh... I'm confused. I try to download the file like said, but it makes me run through each folder... how the heck do you do this? I'm so lost and confused... can anyone help?
Katherynliza wrote: What are you confused on?
HadToRegister wrote: The method talked about in the OP has NEVER worked for me in any version of NMM
Katherynliza wrote: Have you tried again. Also if have problem try purging downloads.
petewolf wrote: you are a blessing for the community Katherynliza, great job.
Bloodplague wrote: this post needs to be pinned to the top of the OP lol
charmin86 wrote: At first: Thank's for the tutorial!

What I really don't understand is that so many people always need someone to tell em what to do nowadays...If I have problems like these I would simply use google to find the answer. It seems like evolution is taking a huge step backwards.
This is not ment to be harsh, just my opinion.
KingDDD666 wrote: You are THE MAN!
srlockh wrote: Hey, thanks for the solution, it worked here. But there's a problem, some mods (20/50 i downloaded) shows a error message whenever i try to add it throught the plus button. It says: Mod can't be added - Status: Incomplete. I don't know what it its, tried to fix it but nothing came as a solution.
Terrra wrote: you're rude and it was meant to be harsh. Most of the premium/support members on this site are. Always ridiculing people and making snarky remarks.
HadToRegister wrote:

Terrra 0 kudos 1 posts
you're rude and it was meant to be harsh. Most of the premium/support members on this site are. Always ridiculing people and making snarky remarks.

Because clicking on the big ? icon inside NMM that brings you to a WIKI page that also has video tutorials to answer any and all questions is too hard for people to do, and instead, when they run into the slightest problem, immediately ask for help and hand-holding?

That explains why Bethesda keeps making heir interface easier and easier with quest markers for every little thing, because people obviously aren't being taught any kind of critical thinking whatsoever, so when they run into a snag, instead of trying to figure it out, they immediately post their problem on several forums at once, because it's easier to have people tell you what to do, rather than figure things out for yourself.

The more you figure out things for yourself, the more you learn and retain.
Having someone else do the thinking for you robs you of the opportunity to learn and improve.
A lot of modders had to figure things out for themselves, it's why they got so good at what they do.
Terrra wrote: Yet for some reason I can't fathom . . . all you people who are supposedly annoyed or having a lack of patience towards these questions most of you hint or quite plainly state are 'stupid,' reply. And not to help, God, no. You do it to make them feel . . . what's that word you people put on a pedestal . . . stupid. There we go.
Bloodplague wrote: bump back to top
AleniaVamp2000 wrote: Bumping the bump to bump again.
luanaff wrote: Thank you!!!
DarkStarField wrote: I've always downloaded my mods this way...what has everyone else been doing?

Egh, I do both depending on my mood. Downloading with NMM is handy and streamlined, but if I really fall in love with a mod I will download it to my hard drive, and then a TD so that I never chance losing it. (For personal use only of course. Would never steal a mod an re-upload it! )

What Im thinking is that a lot of people don't realize that you can add mods from your hard drive with NMM, and that you don't have to manually install them just because you downloaded them outside of NMM. Edited by AleniaVamp2000
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In response to post #43746270. #43746460, #43746755, #43749045, #43749835, #43752980, #43753020, #43753585, #43754830, #43757670, #43761640, #43761700, #43762280, #43762495, #43764945, #43765225, #43765555, #43765600, #43766625, #43766725, #43767325, #43767755, #43774185, #43797020, #43803900, #43819370, #43856440 are all replies on the same post.

Katherynliza wrote: If anyone wants to download mods but still use the nexus manger while you can not log in.
Thank You to @Synn88 for Noticing an Error I did (I change the view & Change once and will stay changed)
Click Mod tab -->
Click on "Switch the Mod Manger Views" (Last icon listed on the left) -->
New Clean View
Go to the mod you want to download -->
Click Green Button Says " DOWNLOAD (MANUAL)" -->
Scroll Down and Click "download manually" (For the main file)-->
Click Green Button says "CONTINUE WITH MY DOWNLOAD"-->
Go into nexus mod manger -->
Go to Mod tab -->
Click plus (In top left hand corner of tab) -->
Select the file you just download -->
Wait (The mod is listed without check mark) -->
Double Click (Left of mod name) mod -->
Setup starts or Activated(Check-mark by mod)

PS If you have problems purge downloads.
CyberTao2013 wrote: God bless you
Shizane2004 wrote: Seriously....thank you....
raldi13 wrote: Actually this should work so, but he sets the mod to be installed only on the queue. When I try to install it via the blue play-button again, it's required that I log in. I find this strange because I have already downloaded the mod, I want to install it only.

Drag and drop doesn't work either...
KungPaoChicken72 wrote: thnx so much
Katherynliza wrote: Did you Double Click(Left of name) the mod?
Katherynliza wrote: Copy previous comment of " Did you Double Click(Left of name) the mod? "
caralampio wrote: This doesn't work for me. Every time I get error during installation at about 96%, happens with all mods and all games.
Katherynliza wrote: What error do you get?
Barenziah1 wrote: Thanks
GreyWolfCPD wrote: Uh... I'm confused. I try to download the file like said, but it makes me run through each folder... how the heck do you do this? I'm so lost and confused... can anyone help?
Katherynliza wrote: What are you confused on?
HadToRegister wrote: The method talked about in the OP has NEVER worked for me in any version of NMM
Katherynliza wrote: Have you tried again. Also if have problem try purging downloads.
petewolf wrote: you are a blessing for the community Katherynliza, great job.
Bloodplague wrote: this post needs to be pinned to the top of the OP lol
charmin86 wrote: At first: Thank's for the tutorial!

What I really don't understand is that so many people always need someone to tell em what to do nowadays...If I have problems like these I would simply use google to find the answer. It seems like evolution is taking a huge step backwards.
This is not ment to be harsh, just my opinion.
KingDDD666 wrote: You are THE MAN!
srlockh wrote: Hey, thanks for the solution, it worked here. But there's a problem, some mods (20/50 i downloaded) shows a error message whenever i try to add it throught the plus button. It says: Mod can't be added - Status: Incomplete. I don't know what it its, tried to fix it but nothing came as a solution.
Terrra wrote: you're rude and it was meant to be harsh. Most of the premium/support members on this site are. Always ridiculing people and making snarky remarks.
HadToRegister wrote:

Terrra 0 kudos 1 posts
you're rude and it was meant to be harsh. Most of the premium/support members on this site are. Always ridiculing people and making snarky remarks.

Because clicking on the big ? icon inside NMM that brings you to a WIKI page that also has video tutorials to answer any and all questions is too hard for people to do, and instead, when they run into the slightest problem, immediately ask for help and hand-holding?

That explains why Bethesda keeps making heir interface easier and easier with quest markers for every little thing, because people obviously aren't being taught any kind of critical thinking whatsoever, so when they run into a snag, instead of trying to figure it out, they immediately post their problem on several forums at once, because it's easier to have people tell you what to do, rather than figure things out for yourself.

The more you figure out things for yourself, the more you learn and retain.
Having someone else do the thinking for you robs you of the opportunity to learn and improve.
A lot of modders had to figure things out for themselves, it's why they got so good at what they do.
Terrra wrote: Yet for some reason I can't fathom . . . all you people who are supposedly annoyed or having a lack of patience towards these questions most of you hint or quite plainly state are 'stupid,' reply. And not to help, God, no. You do it to make them feel . . . what's that word you people put on a pedestal . . . stupid. There we go.
Bloodplague wrote: bump back to top
AleniaVamp2000 wrote: Bumping the bump to bump again.
luanaff wrote: Thank you!!!
DarkStarField wrote: I've always downloaded my mods this way...what has everyone else been doing?
AleniaVamp2000 wrote: Egh, I do both depending on my mood. Downloading with NMM is handy and streamlined, but if I really fall in love with a mod I will download it to my hard drive, and then a TD so that I never chance losing it. (For personal use only of course. Would never steal a mod an re-upload it! )

What Im thinking is that a lot of people don't realize that you can add mods from your hard drive with NMM, and that you don't have to manually install them just because you downloaded them outside of NMM.

Ditto. I ALWAYS download manually and then use NMM or whatever to install. That way when I come back to the game in a few years, I'll still have the mods for a fresh install. I won't (again) make the mistake of assuming this site will always be here (ahem, FilePlanet).
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You are talking about your bandwidth bill.....

Sincere apologies, Caranthir2015.


Your connection was being blocked as a result of some testing we were doing over the weekend. To be specific, we are currently attempting to implement a system which reasonably limits the number of concurrent connections to our services. The reason for this is not to 'save on bandwidth', but rather prevent our author content and system resources from being devoured by malicious activity. We understand this was likely a mistake on our part as this could happen for a number of reasons.


That said, your connection has now been re-enabled and you should be able to access the site now. Again, we're sorry for any inconvenience as this is a system we are currently tweaking to ensure that in the future, only inappropriate network connections are refused. If you have any issues, please let us know.

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In response to post #43840675.

choochoo1 wrote: out of curiosity, could the sight being crowded cause the notifications to not show up> because I know of at least 2 that I should have gotten and didn't. This post was the last thing that showed up before it seemed to stop. so could it be related to the sight being overloaded?

Yes, last I read the were switched off to prioritize bandwidth. Edited by ThyHarrowing
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