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SSE ENB in doubt


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So I've been following ENB forum on SSE, Boris says it is much like F4 with 8000+ shaders need tweaking, amongst other issues, and he sees almost no reason to make it, only if demand is strong enough. But it will be nowhere near the scale of Oldrim.


What I want to know is how everyone really feels, because a lot of people keep seeming to post they don't care for the special edition. Did everyone miss the part where this is 64 bit with higher memory limit and capable of rendering more objects on scene in DX11? Like for example you can potentially have ETaC and JKs Skyrim without lagging at Ultra? Or has Bethesda just find another way to divide the community? Post your thoughts!

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I think time will tell. Right now I do not see a reason for it. So he might be right at this point in time. I do use it in FO4, but I really don't see a need for it there.

I did use it for a wile in Oldrim, but had issues with it there, but then I really did not need to use it.

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Well I've been enjoying mods and modding Skyrim since like 2 or 3 years now, but the thing that makes me almost stop playing it is the memory issues, stuttering and other damn 32 bits issues.

I mean, I've never lagged to open the menu anymore, loading are 0,5s long, no fps drop in city or in the Falkreath area at Ultra in SE... It's hard to wait for the retexture, SKSE SE etc.


I'm not a modder myself, and I don't want to be one because I know the huge amount of work it represents, but Skyrim has become so smooth it would be sad that it won't become the game we all wanted.

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@Bill - Yes I would agree F4 doesn't really need it, sometimes I like to change up the colors a bit but then I use the Vivid Weather mod and that adds some more variety. Although SSE to me is an improvement, I'd really like to bring it back to Vividian standard, whether by ENB or just imagespace mod.


@Jocesquale - yes I'm in the same boat as you. Performance issues and lighting bugs kill it for me. SSE is like a god send. But i guess it's not without its trade-offs....

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Why would anyone want to do in post processing what they could do in the new shader engine? To each his own, but I only needed ENB in the original to help fix the memory issues and the horrible shadows, and I'm really thankful for that. The rest of the stuff (lighting, contrast, tinting, etc.) I could take care of with default game shader edits + texture mods. SSE is a COMPLETELY different starting place and from what I'm seeing in my SSE game so far I expect to just tweak everything with shader and texture edits and potentially not need ENB at all. But then, I'm not a screen archer, I just play the game at 4k and need it to be smooth.


I'm so happy those damn z-fighting mountains are fixed now, but WOW seeing those ugly-ass people AGAIN in such a beautiful world setting is...painful.

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You can take any modded texture, play it on vanilla and it looks really good but then put decent enb with it and it looks 10 times better... at least 10 times better....


I don't really have faith that beth will be able to deliver the eye candy that I enjoy so much in a way that Boris was able to with ENB for Skyrim old. Skyold.. I just made a funny.. cool.. kinda... no not really... back to my hole in the wall..

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Why would anyone want to do in post processing what they could do in the new shader engine? To each his own, but I only needed ENB in the original to help fix the memory issues and the horrible shadows, and I'm really thankful for that. The rest of the stuff (lighting, contrast, tinting, etc.) I could take care of with default game shader edits + texture mods. SSE is a COMPLETELY different starting place and from what I'm seeing in my SSE game so far I expect to just tweak everything with shader and texture edits and potentially not need ENB at all. But then, I'm not a screen archer, I just play the game at 4k and need it to be smooth.


I'm so happy those damn z-fighting mountains are fixed now, but WOW seeing those ugly-ass people AGAIN in such a beautiful world setting is...painful.

I'm not much from screenshotting but as I understand it we can't edit shaders all that easily as there are so many. Boris mention he uses an algorithm to detect ones that are similar but it is extremely difficult to edit enough of them to have a consistent overall effect, especially with weathers. He also mentioned they are not using LUTs for this game. I'll be interested to see what approach modders will take
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