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Creation kit crashing every 5-10 minutes


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Crash every 5-10 minutes, tried everything. I knew about it before (errors and stuff) but this ruined my mod creation experience and i can't find any solution for this problem

Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3,2 GHz
Nvidia GTX 750 Ti

Everything is updated and i reinstalled Skyrim / Creation kit several times

I hope someone can help me, this is frustrating because i waited all the time to get my hands on Skyrim SE and the CK



!You need to deactivate the Tablet Process in the Task Manager to get it running without crashes with Win10!

Edited by Kanitusa
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The SSE CK uses a heavy load on your memory and many other aspects. I have found that whenever I use it, I make 1 change to my mod (ONLY 1 CHANGE) and save it. That clears the memory usage. It seems rather tedious I know, but it has been the only way I can edit using the SSE CK.


One thing I have been doing though, use the Skyrim CK (Not the SSE CK) to create your mods in the original skyrim (DO NOT MAKE A BSA FILE) then put your mod into the SSE data folder and use the SSE CK to make any minor changes you want.... save every minute or so just to be safe.... the SSE CK uses wayyyyy to much memory and saving is the only way to diffuse it. I have never had problems gaming on my system but the SSE CK is just too screwed up to do anything but hurt your system.


I bet Bethesda wants someone to make a patch for the SSE CK (because we all know they don't like making patches for their programs, that would admit failure on their part)


My specs:


Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
Opteron 8358 SE 2.4 GHz quad core processor
NVIDIA Quadro K6000 SDI I/O Graphics Card - 12 GB GDDR5 - 384-bit

Edited by SkyrimPsycho
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I crash so many time that it is pretty much useless as it is! I remember that the bEnableAudio=0 in the skyrimeditor.ini fix it for me in the regular skyrim but there is no skyrimEditor.ini in the SSE, i also look in creationkit.ini and there is no such entry!


Anyone on this?

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I've gone through my active processes and services 5 times in a row now, and can say for sure there's nothing related to tablets - yet I have the exact same issue as everyone here : /

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I've gone through my active processes and services 5 times in a row now, and can say for sure there's nothing related to tablets - yet I have the exact same issue as everyone here : /


Same here, nothing to do with tablet in my processes, but I'm crashing every 10 mins or so.


Edit: I don't think it's a process, instead there is a service called TabletInputService, but it was already stopped and I'm still crashing.

Edited by navybofus
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I had the same problem until I did this:


Create a new .ini file called CreationKitCustom.ini


Pase this in it:


Save it.



I had this same problem with the old CK, doing this fixed it for me. Now I've been having the same problem with the new, and it -seems- to have worked. I haven't done many things with the CK for now, but other people say it worked for them.

Edited by ZunaSW
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