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If you became the leader of your nation...


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I think my own country should stop giving foreign aid to... the one that is now officially richer than we are

They have a word for that, you know.


It rhymes with "cribute."


What, we should pay tribute to them for having nice beaches, much nicer weather, being richer than us and giving us that tool of feminine torture and oppression known as the Brazilian wax?

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I have, that's why I can speak about it.


No need to stoke the anti-British sentiment. We actually do big events rather well over here. The security will be tight with not only the police but troops on the street, because not only do we have the Olympics but also the Diamond Jubilee of HM The Queen (see under good at big events....)so I suspect riots will not be likely to happen, unless it is pissed off London commuters fed up at the crowded public transport and seeing the Olympic bigwigs being whisked through the special Politburo...I mean Olympic...lanes in their specially imported fleet of BMW's. How rude. They COULD have used Jaguars or Rolls Royces.

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Living in democratic dictatorship in the most un-nuclear of non-nuclear super powers in the middle of east, that Claws his Paws at the Big Beef called nuclear energy, but alas is too sloppy to catch it, I can quite frankly say:


1. I could never be the leader Of my nation.

2. If logic fails and I became the leader, half the nation would zealously defy me as opposed to the other half that wants me dead.

3. If the above turned false and I indeed got the love of my nation, foreign superpowers would turn their pockets out and ask for compensation.

4a. I would not give them compensation, starting a war resulting in my death and martyrdom.

4b. I would give them compensation and be hated by my people for it, starting a rebellion, me being overthrown and another poor shmoe at my place starting from line 1 (see above).


Well, I guess that didn't work out.

Edited by Ihoe
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My reply would be too long so here is the short version ...


I will immediately seize control of all the armed forces and declare martial law ... then I will;


1) Create a task force with unlimited power of access to investigate ALL government officials and their finances to root out corruption ... and then arrest and imprison all offenders without the option of a silver-tongued

lawyer and sentence the guilty to 10 years without the option of parole ... including, the confiscation of ALL their goods including homes, vehicles, and monies.


2) Untie the hands of Law Enforcement by getting rid of all the red tape they have to go through to investigate murder, gang violence, drug trafficking and the scourge of modern slave trade.


3) Immediately impose a law giving all illegal immigrants 3 months to get their stuff together and leave ... after which if caught they will be immediately taken to the Border and kicked out ... this will almost immediately

open up a huge gap in the market for employment.

Also I'll create a Border patrol with orders to shoot to kill anyone crossing illegaly.


4) Declare it illegal for any company that produces medicines and or goods that enable people to function properly to make a profit of more than 75% ... because they currently milking the public ... a report from as recent

as 2004 from the USA states that drug companies made a staggering $ 200 billion in profits from "prescription drugs" alone.

A new report from 2010 reveals that that the figure is now $ 300 billion ... here's the link if you're interested .... LINK

The ridiculous patenting of drugs also means that poorer countries have no hope of producing cheaper generic versions of the drugs which simply means that those people that could be helped will now suffer and die

by the very same people who claim to want to help them.

Well, I'll put an end to that rubbish real quick.


5) Tax breaks and incentives will be given to companies with a social conscience.


6) Government officials will be rewarded for timeous delivery of goods and services to their communities ... those who fail will get the left foot of fellowship out of the door.


7) Our currency will be backed by gold in the treasury ... no more worthless pieces of paper.


8) I will immediately restrict ALL foreign imports from China to be no more than 10% ... I recently saw an American flag with a sarcastic sticker in the corner saying "Made in China" ... that will not happen here.


9) State law will take precedence over any religious group that has laws that are contrary ... and the laws of the State will based on Equality for all ... if you don't like it then leave and go where you can practice

your beliefs elshere.


10) I'll create a new Constituition that that embraces the rights of a free society and that has built in mechanisms to dismantle and outlaw any party or group that infringes of said rights to freedom.


Then I'll rule for another 10 years or so ensuring that the new system works and then I'll step down.

Edited by Nintii
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Instigate reforms of political, economic and legal system reformation.


Increase regulations but also strip away a lot of pointless regulations and unfair of the same.


Rebalance the taxation system to make sure the wealthy pay their fair share of taxation, striking out at tax avoidance, tax evasion and even such as tax havens, if possible.


Go after corporate, government and other corruption.


Go after organized crime.


Try to make a welfare system that helps people to help themselves when are where possible.


Make environmental programs, including extensive recycling, public transportation, a special taxi system to replace much of the use of private cars and renewable energies etc.


Have lots of very loyal bodyguards, test all foods for poison, never sleep in the same place for too long and have at least one armoured limo to move around in (or at least to use as a decoy).

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