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I wish I had never even installed the SSE


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SSE can't mess up SLE. They install to two completely different directories. You'd have to intentionally sabotage your installation for them to even be related. You screwed up your game all by yourself, SSE had nothing to do with it.


edit: I will add that so far SSE has run smooth, fast, and stable. The enb-esque effects are nice, but we definitely need some good texture mods, like Noble Skyrim. The OG textures still look super turd.

Edited by Zepheyr
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Except when I uninstalled the SSE, the stutter and all the other issues in the LE completely vanished.


Yeah, how about that.


I can't pretend to explain it, nor do I even care to. I've made my informed choice, and so have you. I'm sticking with the game I signed up for. You can do whatever you want.

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  • 1 month later...



I also wish I had not downloaded.. for a different reason. I've also spent a lot of time with my Skyrim mod list. It is stable, pretty, and I'm happy with it. It runs great on my machine as I have tweaked what I want to see at HD and removed high quality from things I don't care about...


And now SSE, whose claim to "better" is the very type of cheesy visuals I got rid of.. and a dubious promise of eternal bliss at 64 bit, which I've heard before... in a version that didn't even bother to address the myriad of bugs already documented and fixed by the USKP stalwarts.


At the "small" cost of replacing my entire setup to run it. My 5 year old quad core is apparently junk, in spite of it being used on a ton of games, GW2 included. I expected to have to have a better card.. but no. My entire system would have to be replaced. I guess it's a good thing 360 users didn't get hit by this "pffft.. upgrade ur old crap" mentality.


What I regret is having the "if you can't afford to PC game, gtfo" feeling, which I am sure will be echoed here, as it has on many forums, where every response from some is "Get a new comp", and Devs apparently working in a vacuum of "evryone dun got hi spec current gen everting".


The huge jump in min reqs was a shock considering the lackluster previews I saw.. and we all know min reqs won't cut it. My old comp is High-Med for the old game and I've tweaked it to a higher level visually. I guess I didn't expect not being able to run SSE at all.


And I will agree.. the incessant shilling by "experts" with a week of a basically unmodded game experience is pretty nauseating.. but not unexpected. Particularly the claims that SSE vanilla, now, today, is better than modded Legendary edition will ever be.


I will upgrade when I can. Hard on limited Income SSA..but I will. But.. not for SSE. Something else will come along that may prove to be worth the cost. SSE? No.


Like the OP, didn't you watch the Youtube reviews that sprouted up within minutes of SSE going live? Quite a few high profile Vloggers got the opportunity to play it early. And so had some very convenient walkthroughs/reviews within the first couple of hours of SSE unlocking. The 3 immediate things that stopped me dead in my tracks from ever wasting the time to install SSE are still:


1. The graphics. Despite the god rays and slightly lusher flora, there are quite a few areas in game (especially when viewed from afar into the distance) which are still the fugly red headed visuals they were in vanilla Skyrim. Current ENB series to date either rival or supercede the graphics I've seen on the web to date


2. The game breaking BUGS and glitches were NOT addressed. Guess Beth decided to take full advantage of Arthmoor's free generosity for yet another round :laugh:


3. The major critical mod/game utility & most popular mods the likes of skse, skyUI, ENB etc etc. will take a while before migrating over. Assuming some of these do migrate because their original authors are retired/MIA from the Nexus modding scene.


4. Nothing is broken with my current outdated, 32 bit Skyrim game to date. So I don't plan on fixing it by migrating any time soon.


So there SSE sits. All alone in my Steam library gaining cyberdust indefinitely.........


I did watch many previews pre release and was unimpressed. I didn't even dL it for a couple of days but finally decided it was unfair to dismiss it without even trying it, which turned out to be futile. From the few non biased reviews I was very unimpressed that they simply sized up original vanilla textures. Not a fan of God rays, cheesed FOV, or of the vaseline smeared lens approach. I thought that perhaps 64bit would be a positive. Overall, I feel it is VERY weak "remaster" that simply isn't worth the considerable jump in hardware specifications.


Also, as I did state, rather puzzled that they did not patch the game, as AFK's team had identified and fixed a massive number of mistakes, a ready to use asset Beth could have negotiated for.


Don't know why you rebutted my post, since we are basically in agreement, except my SSE is sitting in a folder on my Potato PC Race hard drive, since I have been demoted.




Frankly I think Bethesda is starting to lose much of their community goodwill from some mod makers and perhaps players. I was disappointed that virtually zero game bugs were addressed with the 64bit release aside from those required for the bit width change. I mean really? Long standing issues and they can't even be bothered. For me the more infuriating part is Arthmoor and crew have done a bang up job addressing those problems. Would it be so hard for Bethesda to use their work? Sure there would be some licensing issues though I would bet if Bethesda went to Arthmoor and crew asking to include their work with the proper acknowledgements they would say yes. I could be wrong on that but if it were me it would be most definitely yes.


Been playing the LE for so long I don't think I could stand playing Skyrim unmodded, as such while I have it installed it's never gotten past the New Game stage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Skyrim sometimes grinds me down, but I don't like to say anything because I'm usually not sure if the problem is due to something in the game or something on my end. I like the game so much, though, that I've stuck with it for a long time.


Your comment about not wanting to start the long haul of putting the game together again struck a chord with me. Funny thing about SSE: I tried playing it a couple of times, but it would never start. (I downloaded the game wo any noticeable problems, and Steam showed the game as ready-to-go, so I dunno.) I don't even know exactly what SSE is--is it an entirely separate game? If so, why make a separate game and not another add-on to the game we have now?? But I'm glad now that I never had to deal with SSE. <lol> Crazy game. I really enjoy modding, so I figured I'd have some fun with the meshes/textures in SSE, but my .bsa unpacker that I've used for everything else related to Skyrim can't unpack the SSE .bsa files. :wallbash:


I'll probably keep fooling with Skyrim 'til . . . for a long time, anyway. But I'm not so comfortable with Bethesda anymore; if I started a new Bethesda game, is there any reason not to expect that the new game would prove equal parts fun, work, and aggravation? You know, like Skyrim.


Does Bethesda still support Skyrim? I'm pretty sure they'd say yes. But how do you support a game that was never actually finished?


Enough, already! Hope you find a way to play wo having to start too far back. Good luck.


Time for me to play a little and get my head clear! :)



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Your comment about not wanting to start the long haul of putting the game together again struck a chord with me. Funny thing about SSE: I tried playing it a couple of times, but it would never start. (I downloaded the game wo any noticeable problems, and Steam showed the game as ready-to-go, so I dunno.) I don't even know exactly what SSE is--is it an entirely separate game? If so, why make a separate game and not another add-on to the game we have now?? But I'm glad now that I never had to deal with SSE. <lol> Crazy game. I really enjoy modding, so I figured I'd have some fun with the meshes/textures in SSE, but my .bsa unpacker that I've used for everything else related to Skyrim can't unpack the SSE .bsa files.


It's not so much of rebuilding for SSE, it's more that many of the mods I use are dependent on SKSE, SkyUI and MCM. There is one additional item critical to me and that is a mod manager. While I appreciate and thank the nexus folk for their work creating such a useful tool, after I used Mod Organizer for a while I found it to be superior in many ways. To be frank I just don't like the way NMM handles things even for SSE. Unfortunately Tannin (MO dev) was hired by the nexus team just before he was to finish a 64bit version of MO. While some people have picked up that development, using that beta version felt clunky and incomplete, so in the end I have resolved myself to waiting for the results of Tannin being the lead dev for the NMM.


SSE isn't really a separate game, it is still Skyrim, it is still you becoming Dragonborn. Think of it this way, you bought a VW bug, its engine while functional and does what it is supposed to do isn't really up to the task of say, hot rodding. So what to do? Simple, you replace the engine with something more capable, like more cylinders in the engine. Well that is a rough analogy to the difference between the Legendary and Special Edition. Everything is still the same that you see, everything is still the same that you interact with and this only difference is the engine's ability to handle that lead foot.






I really enjoy modding, so I figured I'd have some fun with the meshes/textures in SSE, but my .bsa unpacker that I've used for everything else related to Skyrim can't unpack the SSE .bsa files



You will need a different version of your bsa unpacker. SSE changed the format of the bsa and refer to it as bsa2. The two versions are not compatible. I think you can find it on nexus. Also there are some changes with nifs (IIRC) that need some attention as well.



But I'm not so comfortable with Bethesda anymore; if I started a new Bethesda game, is there any reason not to expect that the new game would prove equal parts fun, work, and aggravation? You know, like Skyrim.


Speaking for myself, once things like SKSE are released for SSE I fully expect the same things as dealing with the LE. That is to say the very same things you note. It is fun, it is a crapton of work getting the mods you want installed and organized properly and when you have those CTDs, missing meshes, etc it can be a lot of aggravation.

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I have already uninstalled the SSE. To hell with it. I'd rather spend another 5 years tweaking the original game to get rid of z fighting, shadow striping, screen tearing and stuttering ALL OVER AGAIN than play an "optimized" game at a steady fifteen frames per second.


If you know what your doing all but ONE of those issues are easily solved.


I have barely played SSE because too many mods i cant go without dont work on it. BUT the little i did mess around with it stability and performance were excellent. I just wont switch over until mods like Requiem are also switched over.


What are your computer specs?

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Frankly I think Bethesda is starting to lose much of their community goodwill from some mod makers and perhaps players.

Community goodwill? Bethesda has never HAD community goodwill. Every time they release or change something, the community gets into an uproar. Morrowind ruined TES, and the editor is nothi.g but an excuse to release an unfinished game! Oblivion ruined TES and made modding harder (some claimed impossible, with voice acted NPCs)! Fallout is just Oblivion with guns and doesn't fix anything! Skyrim ruined TES (again) and makes nodding harder (again!). And all the while "This game is a buggy mess!".


Bethesda has been successful despite an extremely vocal and often toxic community with every release. Not because they make good games, not because Modders smooth out the wrinkles, but ultimately because you are hard pressed to find similar games elsewhere. No matter how you look at it, Bethesda games don't fit into normal RPG or Open World dynamics. Even supposedly competing games, like Inquisition and Wild Hunt, are radically different experiences.


Bethesda doesn't thrive on community good will. It never has, because it doesn't exist. The community begrudgingly accepts changes, it doesn't embrace them with an optimistic willingness. But Bethesda offers an experience and model that is difficult to find elsewhere, especially cross platform.

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Absolutely LOVE SKYRIM SE. Better lighting, memory, graphics, 64 bit stability, etc. Less resource strain then having to use EBN's & whatnot in oldrim.

Bugs? Get USSEP. Some modders have no issues porting over their mods. For me, I make what I like work. I would never go back to oldrim.


Edited by Ratsel13
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Well, the good news is that you WILL get SKSE and SkyUI this Spring. The Silverlock.org team is working on SKSE now and Behippo (from the team) has said that once it is released they will do the heavy coding for SkyUI so that Schlangster and they other guy (-sorry, can't remember his name) can get it compiled for release.


I'll stick with Oldrim for now, but I'm definitely going to switch over once SKSE and SkyUI are available.

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